Weight Watchers Weekly Allowance



  • ftsolk
    ftsolk Posts: 202 Member
    I really wish I could combine the database and fitbit sync on this site with the weekly allowance and activity points of Weight Watcher and/or the calorie ranges of Sparkpeople. Honestly, I've done better on Sparkpeople than MFP, but the actual tracking on here is a LOT easier. I think having ranges makes a huge difference for me.

    Why did Weight Watchers have to mess with things?
  • riceflourde
    riceflourde Posts: 58 Member
    I don't use WW online or Fitbit but have you seen this update on the glitches? http://faq.weightwatchers.com/?cid=social-channel-faq
  • ftsolk
    ftsolk Posts: 202 Member
    We were told today that they're looking at another 2+ weeks before everything is fixed. (And even then, some of the features might not be up and running).

    The new program is coming out in a little over a week.
  • riceflourde
    riceflourde Posts: 58 Member
    Wow I hope they give subscribers an extension!
  • ftsolk
    ftsolk Posts: 202 Member
    Of course not! They're telling us to track on paper until things get fixed

  • sdisney1761
    sdisney1761 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a WW transition too. I used to do sparks people also but I'm liking this data base and the best part it's FREE and I can still use my Fitbit. Love this app
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    There are some "interesting" changes coming to WW next week ;) can't wait to see what those are about!
    It's suppose to make the program more complete...I love WW because It helped me lose 40 lbs but more important MAINTAIN for years!
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    edited November 2015
    Now for the last "vanity" lbs I'm using MFP to keep a close eye on my Macros...in case you are wondering
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member

    Why did Weight Watchers have to mess with things?[/quote]


  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    Again you are confused/frustrated/ mad/ anxious? because you are triyng to mix the two, WW is suppose to be SIMPLE
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited November 2015
    I did WW somewhat successfully...lost about 40 lbs with it....several years ago. I was always hungry because I kept focusing on eating only low points foods. I believe their points allowance when translated into calories was actually low in order to trick your mind into using the "free" "extra" points. I also was much poorer each month... $13/week then = $52 a month...when MFP is free. I am able to stay on track better now with the calories (no tricky equations or special calculator needed to figure out my meals) and it's easier to track my nutritional needs...protein...calcium....iron...etc. I didn't need the rah rah meetings or the little prizes for each milestone...iron didn't need to pay $50 a month to stand on someone else's scale and get a pat on the back or a shucks next week will be better.... WW is best for folks who need that emotional support and the meetings...but wow...it's pricey and I'm going by 2007 prices lol
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    Pricey if you don't get to goal, I paid 1 year and 10 months and lost 30 lbs back in "2008" Lifetime ever since so meetings, E-tools etc FREE baby!
  • ftsolk
    ftsolk Posts: 202 Member
    bfanny wrote: »

    Why did Weight Watchers have to mess with things?



    If I go on my phone app or the website, I have different PointsPlus targets for the week because my app won't show my Fitbit activity points, but the website does. If I go on either of those platforms, my weekly points reset on Saturdays. On the mobile site, the points reset Sundays.

    There are a lot of issues with the site as of right now.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    I have an idea I have been tossing around...what about lowering your calorie goal by a couple hundred calories and treating this like WW with free fruits and veggies? I would log a typical days calories for the fruits and veggies and see about what you eat in those alone, then take that off your calorie goal and then just log the other stuff. I was thinking about doing this myself, but then just got off track from logging anything...
  • ftsolk
    ftsolk Posts: 202 Member
    cindytw wrote: »
    I have an idea I have been tossing around...what about lowering your calorie goal by a couple hundred calories and treating this like WW with free fruits and veggies? I would log a typical days calories for the fruits and veggies and see about what you eat in those alone, then take that off your calorie goal and then just log the other stuff. I was thinking about doing this myself, but then just got off track from logging anything...

    I may have to try something like that because I am not too happy with the new SmartPoints system coming out in a few days. I found a way to see what it's like, and I'm not a fan.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,651 Member
    ftsolk wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    I have an idea I have been tossing around...what about lowering your calorie goal by a couple hundred calories and treating this like WW with free fruits and veggies? I would log a typical days calories for the fruits and veggies and see about what you eat in those alone, then take that off your calorie goal and then just log the other stuff. I was thinking about doing this myself, but then just got off track from logging anything...

    I may have to try something like that because I am not too happy with the new SmartPoints system coming out in a few days. I found a way to see what it's like, and I'm not a fan.

    I haven't followed Weight Watchers in a long time but like to keep up with the changes for some reason so what's up with SmartPoints? :)
  • wallingf
    wallingf Posts: 29 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    I haven't followed Weight Watchers in a long time but like to keep up with the changes for some reason so what's up with SmartPoints? :)

    Another WW here.....yes, please share what you've heard about the new SmartPoints. I don't want to wait until next week either :-)

    I just lost 90lbs and hit my WW lifetime...for the second time....because I didn't learn my lesson the first time over 20 years ago. Anyway, here's the problem with WW, imo. Free fruit and veggies really isn't the biggest issue for people with a lot of weight to lose (ie 50-100 lbs). The problem is as you get closer to goal, it DOES become an issue. When I had 30+- pounds left to lose, WW put me down to 26 points. A point is about 40 calories, so that meant I got about 1040 calories. The rest had to come from fruits and vegetables.

    If you LOVE fruits (ie you eat 5-6 fruits a day) - that can easily add up to 500-700 calories. I would not lose weight eating 1500+ calories.
    If you DONT like them, you are will be eating <1100 calories a day, on average. Not good.

    WW leaders are suppose to explain to people that you should eat 5 fruit/vegetable servings a day....which would translate into 200-300 calories (as long as you aren't eating 5 bananas) and you don't have to track them. Unfortunately they don't communicate this properly and people hear "0 points! All I can eat!!"

    I've been tracking with WW and MFP for 2.5 years now. My WW points plus 200-300 calories pretty much always matches what MFP gives me for calories. If I eat my WW points and 2 fruits, I am generally within my MFP calorie range.

    Why do I track both? Because when I don't, I stop eating my fruit and replace those calories with starchy carbs and stop losing weight as well. You would think after 2.5 years I would learn..... :wink:

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    How does one figuratively starve?

    After all these years of trying, if you have finally found something that is working for you, just keep doing it for goodness sake.
  • ftsolk
    ftsolk Posts: 202 Member
    wallingf wrote: »
    glassyo wrote: »
    I haven't followed Weight Watchers in a long time but like to keep up with the changes for some reason so what's up with SmartPoints? :)

    Another WW here.....yes, please share what you've heard about the new SmartPoints. I don't want to wait until next week either :-)

    I just lost 90lbs and hit my WW lifetime...for the second time....because I didn't learn my lesson the first time over 20 years ago. Anyway, here's the problem with WW, imo. Free fruit and veggies really isn't the biggest issue for people with a lot of weight to lose (ie 50-100 lbs). The problem is as you get closer to goal, it DOES become an issue. When I had 30+- pounds left to lose, WW put me down to 26 points. A point is about 40 calories, so that meant I got about 1040 calories. The rest had to come from fruits and vegetables.

    If you LOVE fruits (ie you eat 5-6 fruits a day) - that can easily add up to 500-700 calories. I would not lose weight eating 1500+ calories.
    If you DONT like them, you are will be eating <1100 calories a day, on average. Not good.

    WW leaders are suppose to explain to people that you should eat 5 fruit/vegetable servings a day....which would translate into 200-300 calories (as long as you aren't eating 5 bananas) and you don't have to track them. Unfortunately they don't communicate this properly and people hear "0 points! All I can eat!!"

    I've been tracking with WW and MFP for 2.5 years now. My WW points plus 200-300 calories pretty much always matches what MFP gives me for calories. If I eat my WW points and 2 fruits, I am generally within my MFP calorie range.

    Why do I track both? Because when I don't, I stop eating my fruit and replace those calories with starchy carbs and stop losing weight as well. You would think after 2.5 years I would learn..... :wink:

    I decided to take advantage of the SmartPoints preview and track my usual breakfast and lunch on Sundays: An applegate chicken apple sausage patty, slice of sharp cheddar, and an egg on an Ezekiel cinnamon raisin English muffin. That comes out to 10 points. On SmartPoints, it's 12. Lunch is often eaten at church (to avoid the pastries served). I often pack some raw veggies and Bolthouse Farms Yogurt Ranch Dressing and grab a Protein Box at Starbucks. On PointsPlus, that's 11 points. On SmartPoints, it jumps up to 16.

    So, I go from having 8 points left for dinner to 2. My daily target basically stays the same- unlike with PointsPlus where people got more Points compared to the old Momentum program.

    I just love the freedom of being able to grab a pear without stressing over how many calories it has. I like throwing a 375 calorie breakfast sandwich into a lunch container and filling up the empty compartments with some chopped persimmons and baby carrots. Whenever I start tracking fruits and vegetables, I feel like my calorie allotment is being drained too quickly, and I start to panic. I am not one of those people who eats fruit all day. A persimmon with breakfast and 3/4 of a cup of grapes with my lunch. Maybe I'll toss some mango chunks in some butter and roast for dessert. Occasionally (but rarely), I'll feel a little hungry and I'll grab a clementine if I see one sitting out.

    (We will excuse the fact that I ate watermelon for lunch yesterday. I went home sick, and for some reason, fruit was the only thing that appealed to me).

  • ftsolk
    ftsolk Posts: 202 Member
    If you are a current online subscriber (or Etools member) you can change the date on your computer to your next weigh-in date after December 6 to see the new plan.