IBS, Depression and Death- how's that for a title

My father died suddenly a little less than a month ago. This has caused rifts with my siblings who do not see things the way I do and vice versa. I currently have a lung infection and a stomach virus on top of my "normal" IBS: Irritable Bowell Syndrome. I'm out of time and work and going in getting sick and feeling horrible. I'm SO READY for a break. I'm going to text my sister I've been having the most issues with just to tell her that I love her no matter what and leave that at that. I cannot change her mind, I cannot make her see my side and that is okay. I really wish I was healthy, so I could feel up to move this body again. I'm just feeling very alone and kinda hopeless at the moment. I didn't know who to talk to, so I guess I'm talking to myself. Sending love and light to all out there. Take care of you~ Glynis


  • MissDeeDee78
    MissDeeDee78 Posts: 415 Member
    First of all - HUGS to you. I know what you're going through - minus the IBS. You're doing the right thing, just start focusing on you (if possible). When my dad died, I cried almost every night for nearly a year. Take it one day at a time and do what you gotta do. We're all here to lend an ear or a boot to yer *kitten*, if need be. :D
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    Sorry for your loss. When I am depressed I just immersed myself in the gym. That keeps the negative thoughts at bay. Put your blinders on and get cracking. One day you will look back and thank yourself.