Working Out 6 Days a Week and Clothes are Tighter!



  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    liannejok wrote: »
    @synacious measuring cups. i don't have a scale, and i'd just as soon not eat something that i felt necessary to weigh on a scale - i.e. a piece of chicken. i don't know exactly what 1 oz or 3 oz of chicken looks like, but i can assure you, i'm not taking a huge bone-in chicken breast with skin and underestimating what i'm eating. more like a single boneless grilled chicken tender cut up in a salad.

    I will guarantee you are eating more than 1200 calories.
  • liannejok
    liannejok Posts: 7 Member
    i will get a food scale and report back in a week! perfect, the day of the reunion. thanks all for your insight.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Try exercises like pilates and yoga for awhile. That always slims me. I'm probably not saying this right, but all the pushing of running (or biking in my case), uses a different action of the muscle then pulling which tightens the muscle up. I know I'm not saying this right, I'm sure someone will correct my wording. Back in my thinner days I dropped a complete dress size by doing pilates. And yes take a couple of days off and sleep. This is the specific DVD I used (and still have)

    Note I did not drop weight, the pilates just tightened up the muscles, it reshaped me.
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    The same thing happens to me. And yes, you can gain a good deal of muscle in a month despite what others say. If you are like me, you bulk quickly regardless of what you eat. And no, you are not eating too little. I weigh everything and am in the same boat. Likely, it's water weight in your muscles. Don't work out every day. Give your body a rest to lose the water. If I work out every day, I seem to gain. So, maybe try weights 3 days a week with a little cardio and then one day just cardio and then rest the other days. See how it goes. Seems to work for me. Good luck! Oh, and watch the carbs.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    The same thing happens to me. And yes, you can gain a good deal of muscle in a month despite what others say. If you are like me, you bulk quickly regardless of what you eat. And no, you are not eating too little. I weigh everything and am in the same boat. Likely, it's water weight in your muscles. Don't work out every day. Give your body a rest to lose the water. If I work out every day, I seem to gain. So, maybe try weights 3 days a week with a little cardio and then one day just cardio and then rest the other days. See how it goes. Seems to work for me. Good luck! Oh, and watch the carbs.

    I've seen several experienced users claim that people must work hard to put on even 1-2 pounds of muscle in a month. When you say one can gain a "good deal" of muscle in a month, how much are you talking about?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    The same thing happens to me. And yes, you can gain a good deal of muscle in a month despite what others say. If you are like me, you bulk quickly regardless of what you eat. And no, you are not eating too little. I weigh everything and am in the same boat. Likely, it's water weight in your muscles. Don't work out every day. Give your body a rest to lose the water. If I work out every day, I seem to gain. So, maybe try weights 3 days a week with a little cardio and then one day just cardio and then rest the other days. See how it goes. Seems to work for me. Good luck! Oh, and watch the carbs.

    No, no you can't gain a good deal of muscle in a month unless you make sure your diet is on point, spend hours in the gym with a progressive overload program (not boxing, running, and bootcamp), not in a deficit, and you have the testosterone level of a young male...... and to really bulk in a month...something synthetic probably also needs to be involved.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    The same thing happens to me. And yes, you can gain a good deal of muscle in a month despite what others say. If you are like me, you bulk quickly regardless of what you eat. And no, you are not eating too little. I weigh everything and am in the same boat. Likely, it's water weight in your muscles. Don't work out every day. Give your body a rest to lose the water. If I work out every day, I seem to gain. So, maybe try weights 3 days a week with a little cardio and then one day just cardio and then rest the other days. See how it goes. Seems to work for me. Good luck! Oh, and watch the carbs.
    Define "good deal of muscle," because unless you're a young male killing it in the gym, perhaps with pharmaceutical additives, you're not adding a good deal of muscle in a month, by any reasonable definition I've ever heard.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    jayjay_90 wrote: »
    Wait, you're only eating 1200 calories in addition to all that working out? You need to eat more girl!

    Yeessss. People will say what they say... but when I have more than a 500cal deficit, I don't lose. Eat more. Know your numbers... stick to a moderate deficit only (500 calories) and you will lose. Also, keep an eye on your sodium. If I have a higher than usual sodium intake I will retain water like crazy also.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    jayjay_90 wrote: »
    Wait, you're only eating 1200 calories in addition to all that working out? You need to eat more girl!

    Yeessss. People will say what they say... but when I have more than a 500cal deficit, I don't lose. Eat more. Know your numbers... stick to a moderate deficit only (500 calories) and you will lose. Also, keep an eye on your sodium. If I have a higher than usual sodium intake I will retain water like crazy also.
    I bet what they say is: you don't violate the laws of physics and there's nowhere else from which that energy can come other than by metabolizing parts of your body.

  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    in my opinion, i agree with everybody recommending weighing your food. i also recommend looking into New Rules of Lifting for Women or Strong Curves and cutting some of the cardio!
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    liannejok wrote: »
    thanks for all your responses.

    i am logging my food. in fact, if i can't log it, or if i didn't measure it, i don't eat it. i am coming in under my 1200-calorie goal most days, which means i'm not eating the calories i've earned from working out. i guess i'm just struggling believing that i need to work out twice a day several times a week and truly under eat to see a difference.

    i do have an athletic build, and while i haven't actually gone up or down in pounds, my jeans are just tighter! i used to run, drink a red bull in the morning and then eat around 500 calories all day, but that sounds a bit like an eating disorder. however, my body never looked better.

    maybe i just need to be patient! thanks again.

    Wait, you used to only eat 500 calories all day? How long did you do this for? This might explain why you're holding onto weight now that you're eating "normally" again (1200 calories still isn't NEARLY enough for a woman your age/height/with that activity level). Still, though, I don't think you'd be gaining at 1200 calories even if you upped it from 500. I just have to ask, don't you feel starving?
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    jayjay_90 wrote: »
    Wait, you're only eating 1200 calories in addition to all that working out? You need to eat more girl!

    Yeessss. People will say what they say... but when I have more than a 500cal deficit, I don't lose. Eat more. Know your numbers... stick to a moderate deficit only (500 calories) and you will lose. Also, keep an eye on your sodium. If I have a higher than usual sodium intake I will retain water like crazy also.
    I bet what they say is: you don't violate the laws of physics and there's nowhere else from which that energy can come other than by metabolizing parts of your body.

    LMAO! Now I have to clean up the tea I just shot out of my nose.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    jayjay_90 wrote: »
    Wait, you're only eating 1200 calories in addition to all that working out? You need to eat more girl!

    Yeessss. People will say what they say... but when I have more than a 500cal deficit, I don't lose. Eat more. Know your numbers... stick to a moderate deficit only (500 calories) and you will lose. Also, keep an eye on your sodium. If I have a higher than usual sodium intake I will retain water like crazy also.
    I bet what they say is: you don't violate the laws of physics and there's nowhere else from which that energy can come other than by metabolizing parts of your body.

    LMAO! Now I have to clean up the tea I just shot out of my nose.
    At least it wasn't Dr Pepper.

  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    The same thing happens to me. And yes, you can gain a good deal of muscle in a month despite what others say. If you are like me, you bulk quickly regardless of what you eat. And no, you are not eating too little. I weigh everything and am in the same boat. Likely, it's water weight in your muscles. Don't work out every day. Give your body a rest to lose the water. If I work out every day, I seem to gain. So, maybe try weights 3 days a week with a little cardio and then one day just cardio and then rest the other days. See how it goes. Seems to work for me. Good luck! Oh, and watch the carbs.

    I've seen several experienced users claim that people must work hard to put on even 1-2 pounds of muscle in a month. When you say one can gain a "good deal" of muscle in a month, how much are you talking about?

    Enough to make a difference.
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    The same thing happens to me. And yes, you can gain a good deal of muscle in a month despite what others say. If you are like me, you bulk quickly regardless of what you eat. And no, you are not eating too little. I weigh everything and am in the same boat. Likely, it's water weight in your muscles. Don't work out every day. Give your body a rest to lose the water. If I work out every day, I seem to gain. So, maybe try weights 3 days a week with a little cardio and then one day just cardio and then rest the other days. See how it goes. Seems to work for me. Good luck! Oh, and watch the carbs.
    Define "good deal of muscle," because unless you're a young male killing it in the gym, perhaps with pharmaceutical additives, you're not adding a good deal of muscle in a month, by any reasonable definition I've ever heard.

    Everyone is different. Genes play a big role. I stated what works for me and what may be the problem for the poster. If it does not apply to you, you don't need to agree. But, if I help even one person and give them something to think about then it's a good thing.
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    The same thing happens to me. And yes, you can gain a good deal of muscle in a month despite what others say. If you are like me, you bulk quickly regardless of what you eat. And no, you are not eating too little. I weigh everything and am in the same boat. Likely, it's water weight in your muscles. Don't work out every day. Give your body a rest to lose the water. If I work out every day, I seem to gain. So, maybe try weights 3 days a week with a little cardio and then one day just cardio and then rest the other days. See how it goes. Seems to work for me. Good luck! Oh, and watch the carbs.

    No, no you can't gain a good deal of muscle in a month unless you make sure your diet is on point, spend hours in the gym with a progressive overload program (not boxing, running, and bootcamp), not in a deficit, and you have the testosterone level of a young male...... and to really bulk in a month...something synthetic probably also needs to be involved.

    It's about genes, how you eat, how you work out not necessarily how much. No synthetic anything involved. Seriously? I am not talking about becoming the hulk. I am talking about enough muscle that can make a difference in how someone feels and when you work out, water does go to areas t help repair.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    The same thing happens to me. And yes, you can gain a good deal of muscle in a month despite what others say. If you are like me, you bulk quickly regardless of what you eat. And no, you are not eating too little. I weigh everything and am in the same boat. Likely, it's water weight in your muscles. Don't work out every day. Give your body a rest to lose the water. If I work out every day, I seem to gain. So, maybe try weights 3 days a week with a little cardio and then one day just cardio and then rest the other days. See how it goes. Seems to work for me. Good luck! Oh, and watch the carbs.
    Define "good deal of muscle," because unless you're a young male killing it in the gym, perhaps with pharmaceutical additives, you're not adding a good deal of muscle in a month, by any reasonable definition I've ever heard.

    Everyone is different. Genes play a big role. I stated what works for me and what may be the problem for the poster. If it does not apply to you, you don't need to agree. But, if I help even one person and give them something to think about then it's a good thing.
    I doubt it applies to ten women on the entire planet. It's not about applying to me. It's about claiming something that's borderline physiologically impossible.

    Again, what do you consider a "good deal" of muscle to add in a month?

  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    The same thing happens to me. And yes, you can gain a good deal of muscle in a month despite what others say. If you are like me, you bulk quickly regardless of what you eat. And no, you are not eating too little. I weigh everything and am in the same boat. Likely, it's water weight in your muscles. Don't work out every day. Give your body a rest to lose the water. If I work out every day, I seem to gain. So, maybe try weights 3 days a week with a little cardio and then one day just cardio and then rest the other days. See how it goes. Seems to work for me. Good luck! Oh, and watch the carbs.

    No, no you can't gain a good deal of muscle in a month unless you make sure your diet is on point, spend hours in the gym with a progressive overload program (not boxing, running, and bootcamp), not in a deficit, and you have the testosterone level of a young male...... and to really bulk in a month...something synthetic probably also needs to be involved.

    It's about genes, how you eat, how you work out not necessarily how much. No synthetic anything involved. Seriously? I am not talking about becoming the hulk. I am talking about enough muscle that can make a difference in how someone feels and when you work out, water does go to areas t help repair.

    Sounds like you're describing strength gains which doesn't necessarily mean muscle gains.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    No, never.