Not sure if this goes here.

Hi all,

I have a problem and not sure how to handle it. I live with my mother and father in law and my MIL is the main cook in the house. I have been buying the Smart Ones dinners for myself and trying to stay healthy. The problem is, my MIL gets angry because I don't eat what she cooks, which usually consists of deep fried foods, starchy foods and high in calorie/fat foods. I try to explain to them that it's not that I don't like what is cooked, its just not healthy for me and then an argument ensues. I've been making myself eat what she cooks, just cutting down on the portions and still that doesn't seem to satisfy her. I have even tried to cook once or twice so she could take a break and not feel so worked up, and both her and my FIL refuse to eat what I cook, even though I know they like it. Any ideas on how to handle this delicate situation?