Loose Skin



  • SaveTheDrama
    The key for me was losing the weight slowly and exercising during the whole process. I also made sure to drink plenty of water, and I cut out most processed foods. I have not had any problems with loose skin except for arms, but since I have continued to workout regular I am starting to see less loose skin and more deffinition. For me loose skin was not a big worry because I had gotten so big my health was going downhill fast, but I am glad I have been able to tone up.

    Good Luck to you.:flowerforyou:
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    I've lost 85 lbs and have lots of loose skin and unfortunately, it's pretty obvious that I will need to get a couple of surgeries. My arms are more toned now but because I did so much work on them I developed super batwings that are nothing but a huge pocket of fat that the doctor has said I will probably not lose anymore from that area. This is also creating problems in the chest area since I lost a lot of weight there too, the added weight from the batwings is pulling on the nerves in my chest and resulting in a lot of pain. Same on the inner thighs from cycling. Although my thighs have gotten much bigger with muscle, I've also developed pouch deposits in that area too. I will need to get a tuck in those areas in the next year before the problem gets any worse. Tyhat is, if I can last that long!