
I'm so tired of food being my focal point EVERY day! Why can't I just eat for nutrition and not during moments of happiness, sadness, etc. I still haven't overcome that obstacle. Just feeling frustrated today and I feel like I'm never going to reach my goal. Been in a bit of slump but maybe that happens to everyone. Need to get my motivation back!


  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    I get that. I think a lot of us have historically struggled with the same thing. I have learned to recognize my triggers for the most part. I still fail some days and eat out of boredom, frustration, or sadness. My biggest trigger is feeling hurt/angry...when I am heading for emotional eating, I sometimes talk OUT LOUD to myself and give myself a pep talk. I try to find another outlet---a walk, jamming out to loud music, even a good cry.

    You can do this. You recognize that you eat when emotional, so you have made a good step forward. Keep working on looking at food as fuel...maybe look at your macros and choose a goal each week--for example, every day this week I will hit my protein goal. When I do that, I start looking for food to help me meet the goal and can better keep my focus on the "food as fuel" mentality.

    And maybe one day a week don't log food? Give yourself a break from the focus on food....still eat mindfully of what you are putting in your mouth, but release the control just a smidge to give yourself a break? I used to log every day, then I just couldn't do it anymore, I was so sick of measuring and counting every single bite. I rebelled and didn't log for MONTHS. I just got back to logging about 6 weeks ago, but I gave myself the day off for my birthday, and it was nice. Once school starts again, I am going to not log one day per week.
  • slenderyeppie
    slenderyeppie Posts: 31 Member
    Ugh, I feel you. I really do feel "tired" too. I've been logging everything for the last month or so, and it feels like all I'm thinking about is food.

    Srsteir- I love the "food as fuel" mentality! I think right now I'm seeing food as the enemy I must conquer to lose weight...

    Jaja76- looking at your ticker, you are doing AMAZING! Whatever you've been doing has been working, so keep it up! :):):)