Not intaking enough calories???

basically i try to burn 600-700 calories a day, and because of that I am always under the MFP calorie limit by like 600-900 (right now I'm trying to lose 1 pound a week). Not sure if the things I'm recording are not accurate or I'm actually not eating enough... usually how many do you guys have left over? Should I be eating more, or be more strict on my recordings? (I think I've done a good job so far...but I have no idea tbh)


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    With MFP you need to be eating the exercise calories back. Your 1 pound a week loss is figured in if you do no exercise at all. By not eating back your calories your 500 calorie deficit become 1100-1200 instead. Unless you have a great deal of weight to lose it doesn't really work well to have such a large deficit.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    basically i try to burn 600-700 calories a day

    usually how many do you guys have left over?


    Should I be eating more, or be more strict on my recordings?

    yeah, you should probably be eating about 600-900 more calories a day