Never have managed to lose weight before


I am a baking and pastry student at a culinary school so I am about super yummy but bad for me foods all day. I have struggled with my weight all my life and I have never been able to lose much weight. I feel like if I don't lose some weight with my current profession I will balloon.


  • ak_honda
    ak_honda Posts: 60 Member
    You can do this! It takes time, failure, more time, more failure.. but eventually you get past it and it becomes routine, part of your daily life and gets easier.

    It's taken me, I dunno, maybe 5 years to realize how bad I was getting and now I can't go a day without doing some sort of cardio at all. I can't stand soda or most sweets, and only crave veggies and fruits all the time. :-)

    There are tons of awesome posts in the forums to read - take the time to do so, find what works for you, and most of all - have fun with it!

    Added you as a friend on here too!
  • Kash4Life
    Kash4Life Posts: 48
    Welcome , Take it one day at a time and you will reach your goal . Small changes make a big change . Good Luck :-)