Feeling the Uglies



  • Prismapencils
    I would rather be known for my accomplishments instead of just being known as pretty..
    ...Do you think you're just being known for being pretty or is that an example? :/
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Oh do get over yourself! You're a pretty girl, I'm sure you're not perfect but I can't tell from the three pics on your profile, but who is perfect (apart from myself of course). Keep away from the stupid threads, they're completely meaningless. Sart loving yourself, you seem to have a lot going for you, so give yourself credit for what's good about you and ignore a bunch of (weight) losers on the internet, what do we know for goodness sake!!
  • Prismapencils
    ugly you are not but we all have our prejudices on who we are attracted to in the end who ever you will find will think you are hot so doesn't matter
    Feel sorry for the other folks though. *snort*
    In all seriousness though, thank you. The one I found HATES it when I get into these fits, and I don't blame him. I would be frustrated if the situation were reversed. I would also take it less gracefully, responding to his fits with, "I THINK YOU'RE F*CKING BEAUTIFUL NOW SHUDDAP."
  • Prismapencils
    Oh do get over yourself! You're a pretty girl, I'm sure you're not perfect but I can't tell from the three pics on your profile, but who is perfect (apart from myself of course). Keep away from the stupid threads, they're completely meaningless. Sart loving yourself, you seem to have a lot going for you, so give yourself credit for what's good about you and ignore a bunch of (weight) losers on the internet, what do we know for goodness sake!!

    Haha. Before I read the rest of the last sentence, I was about to say, "Um, this thread is also full of a bunch of internet losers." Cute.
  • Prismapencils

    ooooooh perfume! now you're talking!! :D

    I'm totally on board with the whole "strong over skinny" thing. If I had to choose one to work towards, you better believe it's gonna be strong! ..Plus, weak girls can't pick up a beer, the poor things... :drinker:

    Uhh...I clearly need to up the ante here as far as my regimen goes. One time, I had trouble opening one of those restaurant doors. I literally stared at the door, thinking, "Oh no. How do I get out now? My boyfriend's little brother is behind me. I hope he doesn't realize..." I finally pushed it open, but it was so heavy for no reason whatsoever. So, now you guys are eating your words when it comes to that whole "it's better to have a good mind" and "She has a lot going for her" thing. XP
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I'll give you some advice as though I were a big sister. Do not take offense! These are just superficial suggestions. If you want people to think, "Oh sexy!" you gotta dress the part. You have a nice body & a pretty face but you fall short with how you present yourself (this is if you're looking for hot) At 24 years old, you should not be wearing a fuddy duddy skirt to the beach. Try swim shorts, they're younger, sexier and cover the same stuff. Also please do not wear dark boots with shorts. Ever. And I dont care if it's on trend (though I don't think it is this year) short girls should never cuff their shorts. It just makes your legs look stumpy and your hips look wider. I'm not suggesting dressing like a tramp to look sexy, but punch it up a bit. You're 24. Have some fun!
  • Prismapencils
    I'll take sisterly advice--no offense taken! (Although I always automatically tense up whenever I see that line. It's like saying "Don't hit the big, red button". ) I'll be on the look out for some swim shorts (actually, they were my goal), but I was having trouble finding a good pair that actually made me look OK. I don't know if I've seen the dark boot/short combination except on the very thin of Hollywood. As for the cuffs, are you talking about my shorts in my other picture? They came with this trim on them.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I don't know why I did this. I guess I was just hoping to prove that nasty inner voice wrong when really these confirmed it. I kept posting on those silly, describe my profile picture in one word threads. Most people on the threads were described as either gorgeous or fit or whatever. People just kept describing me as random things, as if they were sugar coating the truth: how utterly ugly and imperfect I am. What do you think? Also, what do you do when you're feeling the uglies? :/

    I don't participate in those threads because it just seems like kind of a messed up way to deny or confirm the insecurities of others. I really don't see the point of them since the comments will just be overanalyzed, and even though it may lift the spirits of some, there will always be some people who will be hurt. Nobody needs that.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    Beauty is very subjective. One persons Cinderella is another's Shrek

    It's pointless comparing yourself to others or wanting others to validate who you are or how beautiful you are. Their opinion shouldn't matter anyway.

    Confidence is the sexiest thing anyone can own. The people who I have been most attracted to in my life have not had film star good looks or rock hard abs.... they've had confidence. It's free, easily developed over time and lasts a lifetime ... work on that and then maybe you will begin to see yourself as the beautiful woman you are :flowerforyou:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    Yeah. It is shallow, but it's something that I guess has been brainwashed into me from art classes.

    Well, if you are an artist you will know that there is no objective measure of beauty - it is culturally driven and changes as time passes. Different people find different things beautiful and beauty finds many modes of expression.

    Look at this portrait of Albrecht Durer's mother:


    Traditionally she may have been considered "ugly" but the artist's interpretation reveals the beauty of her old age.

    Change your thinking and change your life.

    Would bang ;)
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I'll take sisterly advice--no offense taken! (Although I always automatically tense up whenever I see that line. It's like saying "Don't hit the big, red button". ) I'll be on the look out for some swim shorts (actually, they were my goal), but I was having trouble finding a good pair that actually made me look OK. I don't know if I've seen the dark boot/short combination except on the very thin of Hollywood. As for the cuffs, are you talking about my shorts in my other picture? They came with this trim on them.

    I know they did. Throw them out. And you're wearing some sort of dark booties with them. Don't do that. It makes your legs look stumpy, and they're not. Get the swim shorts. You have a beautiful body with amazing skin. Adjust what *you* think you're suppose to look like. See that third pic of you? Your hair is wild, your face is beautiful. You look very pretty. But that shirt is not sexy! If you want sexy, you've got to experiment with different looks.

    I'm not saying you have to change how you dress or who you are. I'm just saying you have all the elements for the compliments you want. But if you want to hear them, you could adjust the dressing a bit. Then you will be a force! =)
  • Prismapencils
    OH. You were talking about my sneakers. ...Woops.
    How does one dress sexy effortlessly? I guess what I'm saying is that I want to look all done up without looking like I tried. I'm not explaining this well. I don't want to look like I'm going to the club when I'm just hanging out at the park, yet wouldn't mind looking pretty or even sexy.
  • Prismapencils
    How does one feel confident about themselves then? I'm combating over 20 years of negative self talk here. 0.0'
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    How does one feel confident about themselves then? I'm combating over 20 years of negative self talk here. 0.0'

    That's the first step right there ^^ stop talking and thinking negatively about yourself

    Which is easier said than done I know....

    A lot of people with low self esteem find counselling/therapy helpful. You can get to the root of it and kill it for good with a skilled therapist

    Sometimes confidence is nothing but practice and a little bit of acting though.... start talking yourself up instead of down and set yourself some goals.... there is nothing like completion and the achieving of something challenging to give you a boost and a reminder of just how great you are
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    I'm sure everyone has days like this. I do and I find killing an awesome workout helps make me feel better. I know its easier said than done but you have to stop worrying about what others think.....its how you feel about yourself that matters.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    first step, do not go out onto the MFP threads for affirmation. Everyone is cute/sexy/hot/adorable/sweet/bangable, etc... As far as how one feels confident... fake it til you make it. Plaster a smile on and wear it until it happens naturally. You'd be surprised what that can do for ones confidence level.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Who the *kitten* cares?

    It's a fitness site... you're here for feedback on fitness, not how pretty/ugly you are!

    Take care of you and your self esteem, forget what other people think...

    Aree you lacking attention? I feel like a fat cow because it's my TOM, I'm not going to say "I feel gross and fat becasue it's my TOM and I have a pimple on my chin." I don't need people knowing that!

    Keep that sort of *kitten* to yourself... you're here to portray confidence and show others you kick *kitten*!
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    OH. You were talking about my sneakers. ...Woops.
    How does one dress sexy effortlessly? I guess what I'm saying is that I want to look all done up without looking like I tried. I'm not explaining this well. I don't want to look like I'm going to the club when I'm just hanging out at the park, yet wouldn't mind looking pretty or even sexy.

    You're explaining it perfectly. I get it. I don't want you to think I'm making fun of you or anything. I think you've got all the right things, but you could use a little sex appeal in the outfits. I've found the way to look sexy without looking like a ho is to wear workout gear or clothing that kind of has that look. They show off the curves without saying, "do me. I think you've got a great top on in the 2nd pic, but as I mentioned, the bottoms ruin it. I cute little skirt or a light pair of shorts with flip flops say casual & cute. A good rule to follow is if the shirt is tight, the bottoms must not be and vice versa. Get thee a short white skirt and rock that baby. Just not too short!

    Truthfully, I think you're awesome the way you are.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    How does one feel confident about themselves then? I'm combating over 20 years of negative self talk here. 0.0'


    Or you could try CBT, affirmations, more NLP, self help books ;)
  • Prismapencils
    Who the *kitten* cares?

    It's a fitness site... you're here for feedback on fitness, not how pretty/ugly you are!

    Aree you lacking attention? I feel like a fat cow because it's my TOM, I'm not going to say "I feel gross and fat becasue it's my TOM and I have a pimple on my chin." I don't need people knowing that!

    Keep that sort of *kitten* to yourself... you're here to portray confidence and show others you kick *kitten*!

    Not really. I just wanted to know how others think and if they have varying ways to counter when they feel badly.
    I think others get tired of seeing the robotic, braggy *kitten*-kickage posts and find honesty and vulnerability refreshing. Not that there won't be future posts of confidence. :)

    I get what you mean though about not always advertising your flaws and weaknesses.