Feeling down

Your doing great. This is a life long process. Remember to eat before your starving. Your cravings will diminish when you allow yourself to enjoy the great food your eating.


  • natajane
    natajane Posts: 295 Member
    That is good solid advice! Thank you.
  • Great advice. Thank you!!!!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    This is a really tough time of year with lots of temptations. It might be useful to figure out your maintenance calories and try to stay below that around the major holidays. If I just don't gain ten pounds between Halloween and New Years, and manage to at least hold the line, that would be a victory. Losing weight during those two months is pure bonus.
  • Lili22290
    Lili22290 Posts: 3 Member
    sms2364 wrote: »
    Your doing great. This is a life long process. Remember to eat before your starving. Your cravings will diminish when you allow yourself to enjoy the great food your eating.

  • Lili22290
    Lili22290 Posts: 3 Member
    I've been struggling too. I actually did what fiddletime said and figured out what my maintenance calories are. Once the holidays arenover I will continue on my journey.