
I am so sore from weight lifting so much yesterday like I can't even move my whole body without being in pain i hear soreness is cause your muscles are "torn" and you should rest them however I really think I should go to the gym. What is the smartest decision here??


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    you should not work the same muscles or groups of muscle on consecutive days...this is why people either do body splits or full body programs every other day. if you're new, you're going to be sore and you should "ramp up". I'd also suggest following an actual program.
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    It is totally up to you and your pain tolerance. I have worked out through soreness before you just work a different muscle group. However if you are very sore and the pain is really unbearable rest up, hydrate and eat up. In the latter case you will doing more harm than good.
  • Misspinklift
    Misspinklift Posts: 384 Member
    Eat more protein and take some pain killers. I read some where coffee helps reduce soreness
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,756 Member
    Don't feel guilty about being in pain and taking a day off. If you really worked hard, and haven't done this for awhile, you probably need a recovery day.

    Maybe do some light cardio, stretching or some ab work if your joints and muscles are too sore. I find it helps me to keep the habit going and sometimes once I stretch out I find I can push it a little more than I thought.
  • FutureThoughts
    FutureThoughts Posts: 95 Member
    I found having quality protein immediately after working out really decreases on the soreness. Also, for me, if I'm sore some very light, just movement really can help decrease it for the next day. But no, you really should not lift anything, give your muscles time to recoup and recover. Feed them protein.
  • JShailen
    JShailen Posts: 184 Member
    Soreness will happen from time to time, especially if new or having just increased weights. I find doing a thorough stretch after lifting helps but ymmv.

    There's lots of stretch/cool down vids on youtube and there's even apps for it.

    In general I don't work the same muscle group if I'm still sore, I'll move onto a different part of the body or do some cardio instead.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    If it's cardio, fine. If you're doing a specific program that has you working a different group of muscles today, fine. Just don't work the same group again.
  • I say exercise but then rest for at least a day or two,then pick up exercising again. Also with muscle soreness I've learned that magnesium and turmeric help,heard about cherry juice helping but only tried and had success with sore muscle relief by taking magnesium supplements,resting,drinking water,applying arnica cream or tiger balm cream,walking it out and eating protein so go with that or whatever works best for you.