
Good morning. My name is Bobbie and I need a realistic diet plan so joined here.


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    Welcome to MFP.
    I suggest you start reading MFP Most helpful post at "Get started" message board
    You have to eat at a deficit in order to lose body weight, calories burned >calories ingested.
    Buy yourself a food scale and weigh everything you eat. Log all you eat at MFP and ensure you are eating at a deficit
    About nutrition plan: I started with my favorite food and change them to a healthier version 2.0 by replacement.
    • I replaced soda with plain water or green tea or my own fruit shakes
    • I replaced cereal from a box with oatmeal made from scratch, cooked with cinnamon stick, almond milk and diced apple. Served with a dash of cinnamon power, as a topping.
    • I replaced fried food with baked version.; etc, etc.
    Good luck in your healthy journey