Diabetes Problems looking for right food to eat

Diabetes Problems looking for right food to eat

I have decided to do something about my weight at long last on the advice of my doctor.

I have just been recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes also found out it is very common in older people.

The problem I am having is finding the right foods to eat on a tight budget.

So any tips would be appreciated I will Share any tips I get with the community.

Nice to meet you all


  • prgirl39
    prgirl39 Posts: 108
    I am 41 and recently was diagnosed as well.

    The key is to eat the right foods that will keep your numbers down. Exercise is very important not only to keep you in shape but to keep you motivated.

    The first thing I did was eliminated toxic food ( junk, for example: fried foods, bad carbs, refined sugary drinks and food). I added more veggies and decreased the amount of fruit I consume due to the glycemic index.

    Go to the American Diabetes website and get familiarized with the foods you can eat that will keep your numbers down and nourish your body too.

    All food you eat impacts your glucose so be very careful. Make lists, plan ahead if you are going out. Eat smaller portions and make healthier choices when cooking meals.

    I have lost 14 pounds, feel great and that tells me I am on the right path. I is a very hard lifestyle to have, but not the end of the world. Little steps and you will get there.
  • sighcoe
    sighcoe Posts: 4
    i was diagnosed with diabetes too around 2 years ago, the doctor keeps on giving me medicine but due to a lot of allergic reactions with chemicals, i have to cure the disease by natural means, that is cutting out sugar completely. to help you with that you have to take foods that can suppress sugar cravings, the following foods are recommended

    cucumber, lettuce, bell peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, zuchinnis, mushrooms and then for protein, any lean meat will do. cheese are allowed too.

    keep in mind that you have to take a gap of 5 hours per meal. this will help your pancreas rest for a while rather than working all day long.

    after 8 weeks eating this kind of foods, my sugar levels became normal, and then diabetes are long gone.
  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi Paul,

    I too was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I am on a low dose of Metformin right now, and I've cut my average blood glucose by roughly half, by watching what I eat and exercising. I also had to give up wheat due to an unrelated problem, but it has certainly had a positive impact on my blood glucose. I'm basically all about meat, vegetables, and cheese right now. I am feeling my way around the fruits as some of them cause me to spike badly. Unfortunately, what works for me in the fruit department may not work for you, and vice-verse.

    I also have a problem with exercise that I am trying to work through. Light activity such as a short walk, or light calisthenics eases my blood glucose down nicely. When I kill myself, and go for a bigtime burn I spike like crazy. I believe this to be rather counterproductive at this point. I work out like crazy and my liver dumps a pile of glucose for me to burn off instead of the fat that I want to burn. I've been advised by my nutritionist to try slightly more carbs, but I've found it very difficult to get to where she wants me to be without putting grains back into my diet. That's the line in the sand... I'm going to give flax bread a try.
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    See if your doctor will give you a referral to a dietician.
  • Hello my name is Terema Robinson and i have be giving the news that I'm pre diabetic and is trying to change the way I eat. Please help me
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    The My Fitness Pal program is a wonderful tool, not only to help you adopt healthier nutrition habits, but also helps improve your blood sugar control and diabetes management when used as designed.

    One of the first and paramount defenses in lowering your blood sugars is using a glucose meter to monitor the effects of the food choice you make on your blood sugars. By testing before meals and again 2 hours after meals, you will quickly learn what effect if any, those choices had on your blood sugars. The general consensus is to shoot for a test result in the range of 120 to 140 2 hours after mealtimes, however you should seek out target ranges to aim for from your healthcare provider.

    The second and equally important defense is lowering your carbohydrate consumption as carbs raise and spike blood sugars to unhealthy levels for those of us with diabetes. Diabetes is a very individualistic condition each of us share and what works for me in controlling my blood sugars may or may not work for you or the next person. Your glucose meter is going to be your new new best friend, and it’ll help you make the healthier food choices needed for good blood sugar control. As I mentioned earlier we're all different but, you might aim for 40-45 grams of carbs per meal, limiting yourself to one to two snacks a day at 15 grams of carbs each.






    The above ^^^ links are packed with invaluable information designed to answer your questions about successful diabetes management practices.

    I'm a T2 diabetic diagnosed in 1982. I'm successfully managing my blood sugars using the My Fitness Pal program along with taking oral diabetes medication and insulin (MDI) therapies daily.

    If you're interested, there is a very supportive, encouraging and knowledgeable group of other T2's at the MFP T2 support group. Have a look around the various threads and ask questions when you feel comfy.

    I wish you quick success and good health!
  • markbolch
    markbolch Posts: 24 Member
    I had blood sugars in the 400’s at times for months. Some numbness in my feet and not very healthy at all. I started taking metformin, then long acting insulin 2 shots a day because of the dosage was too much to take in one shot, then still out of control was supposed to check my blood sugar before each meal and take a shot of fast acting insulin on top of all the stuff I was on prior to that.

    Blood sugar was still not under great control so one day I said screw it.. I had the let the meds give me a license to eat bad and not exercise. Stopped all meds (which I wouldn’t suggest anyone else do) and started eating chicken breasts and fish and vegetables but most importantly I got off my rear and exercised every day. Yes it was hard to do because I was fat and out of shape but its gets easier. At the start it was hard to just go for a walk. I addressed why I had become a comfort eater and stuffed food in my face when I wasn’t hungry which was the root cause. 80+ pounds later my blood sugar is good without medication and no more cholesterol meds either. I was lucky, my pancreas produced insulin I just had so much fat it didn’t get to my cells like it should. Now I pretty much eat anything I want within reason if I burn it off and have no issues. Of course what I want to eat vs what I use to want to eat is two different things.

    For me Move more eat less really did work. I do stay away from sugars and don’t really restrict carbs but I find I don’t eat a lot but don’t really deprive myself of anything. Starchy simple carbs turn to sugar so it’s not just the sugar you have to watch out for. I’m not saying what worked for me will work for everyone but it did work for me. I also still check my blood sugar to make sure nothing sneaks up on me and it gets out of control again but so far so good no meds. Sure I could go to the drive up get a double whopper with cheese and large fries take it home scarf it down a couple times a day and then have a pint of ice cream or have a box of frosted flakes with chocolate milk as a snack but I just don’t do that anymore and don’t have the desire. I’m happier and healthier at 56 years old than I have been my entire life. I was once 310 lbs and size 52 pants. Got down to 195 and started living and forgot what brought me to the party.. Over 10 years crept back up to 266 and had all the diabetes issues. Finally the light went on. Now I am 180 and size 33 waist pants and will never go back. Still a work in progress and look at body fat percentage more than pounds of weight and I still have much room for improvement in my mind and would like to get down to 170. I’m not all I can be yet but will get there but no blood sugar issues. It can be done. For me it was my brain. Why did I over eat when I wasn’t really hungry, eat crap, and never exercise. It was killing me but I’m not stupid, I knew it. It just took a while for the light to go off and wake up to what I could be and the life I could live if I applied myself.
  • Paul_Hans
    Paul_Hans Posts: 5
    Hi Thanks for replying to my post there is a a lot of info to go through from all the posts this is really very helpful I will have to look into the pancreas rest as I have been told to eat little and often but it sounds like a plan to me .
  • Paul_Hans
    Paul_Hans Posts: 5
    Thank you for your reply I will definitely take on-board all the good advice I am receiving from everyone here on myfitnesspals,com