how often can I use the treadmill?

Is it healthy or okay to go to the gym everyday and use the tredmill and stationay bike? I've been doing this and I want to make sure its okay since I have no idea about anything that's in the gym besides the two. I am on a 1,200 cal diet and looking to maximize my weight loss. Anyone with any suggestions besides the question to my answer that will help, also what are some good stretches to do? And does it affect me if I'm working out but hardly even sweat? Yesterday I was there for like 2 hours but I always hardly sweat but that's with everything. Thank you in advance


  • IndieBNZ
    IndieBNZ Posts: 2 Member
    I'm no trainer or anything - however - it's not effective to do the same workouts with the same resistance etc every day.

    Your body gets used to it and it needs the 'shock' of using different muscles, different cardio, different resistance, otherwise you can plateau.

    Weights - low weights but high reputations is great for weight loss :)
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    Your profile indicates you have little weight to lose. Instead of trying to lose fast, I would suggest you focus on losing in a way that will help you sustain weight loss. Regarding exercise, this means find a routine you like, and that you can do, on the long run. It does not have to be super complicated or done daily, but it has to be something you like and can afford (regarding time, money, accessibility).
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,756 Member
    edited November 2015
    Depends on your goals. You mention weight loss, and that mostly comes with calorie deficit. Cardio helps, but not as much as you might think in that regard. Certainly not saying you are wasting your time, not true at all, but even an hour of steady state cardio (which is a lot of time to invest) is not going to reap amazing results unless your diet matches your goals. HIIT burns more calories, but is pretty taxing and challenging so it depends how hard you want to push yourself. It can be done in much less time though :)

    However other than boredom, I don't see a reason that it would be a 'problem' to use the cardio machines everyday if yor body can handle the impact of the treadmill that is (my knees can only tolerate running once a week)

    Sweating doesn't translate exactly to calories, and some people just do not sweat much...doesn't mean you aren't working hard.

    I would recommend venturing outside your comfort zone a little, and check out the other sections. Strength training can have a big effect on you...ask questions...good luck.

  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 350 Member
    The gym I go to has free help introducing you to all the cardio machines, & weight machines if you're interested; they also can help advise on a workout program. You might ask @ your gym if they have something similar, that way you could vary things & feel comfortable with it.
  • Thanks so much this does help because today is day 4 of me doing the same thing and the same muscles are exhausted.
  • Thanks you very much for replying, I will definitely take the advice and venture out of my comfort zone. I always assumed weight lifting was for the already at ideal weight people.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Is it healthy or okay to go to the gym everyday and use the tredmill and stationay bike? I've been doing this and I want to make sure its okay since I have no idea about anything that's in the gym besides the two. I am on a 1,200 cal diet and looking to maximize my weight loss. Anyone with any suggestions besides the question to my answer that will help, also what are some good stretches to do? And does it affect me if I'm working out but hardly even sweat? Yesterday I was there for like 2 hours but I always hardly sweat but that's with everything. Thank you in advance

    As above the key question is around what your objectives are, and how your training supports that.

    Most effective for general health and fitness is a balanced mix of cardiovascular training and resistance training of some kind, so I'd support the suggestion upthread about asking for some guidance. Gyms have a duty of care so you should be able to get an induction.

    Exercise should not prinbcipally be to burn calories, it's about improving your health and fitness. CV work improves your stamina and capacity, resistance work helps you retain lean mass, bone density and strength benefit. You should be eating back what you expend, to avoid going below your goal calorie intake, particularly as your intake is already at the bottom end of healthy.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    HIIT burns more calories, but is pretty taxing and challenging so it depends how hard you want to push yourself. It can be done in much less time though :)

    I would disagree about HIIT burning more calories, the benefits of HIIT are about marginally better fat consumption (negligible for the majority) and inmprovements in VO2Max. It's not the magic bullet that so many suggest, post Excess post exercise oxygen consumption isn't significant either.

    CV needs a balance of steady state aerobic range, threshold and VO2Max work for full rounded sports performance improvement. For casual exercisers and weight control longer duration steady state burns more, is less taxing and has more practical benefit around endurance and stamina improvement.

  • djscavone
    djscavone Posts: 133 Member
    I run outside every day and use the treadmill on days when ice and snow make outdoors less safe. For me I see no issue in everyday as I mix up the intensity and the distance. My "normal" morning is 3 miles at a pace around 9 to 9.5. I never go faster than 8 as then I feel the stress. For half marathon training I do 10 or 10.5. Very easy and enjoyable and its "me" time and meditative. I can mix things up going faster or greater distance and use different routes so it is not boring. I do stretch as I mix in yoga and planks for core. Everyone is different so what you can do everyday and not get hurt is really up to you listening to your body. If you are a beginner then mix up running with an elliptical or yoga and the bike is good as it also helps running in the long term. I am not in it for weight loss so I don't really look at the calories that much. I've maintained the same weight within 2 lbs for over a year now. Just don't burn out where you give up. If you ever feel you are getting to that point then slow down or take a break. Just don't quit.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    IndieBNZ wrote: »
    I'm no trainer or anything - however - it's not effective to do the same workouts with the same resistance etc every day.

    Your body gets used to it and it needs the 'shock' of using different muscles, different cardio, different resistance, otherwise you can plateau.

    Weights - low weights but high reputations is great for weight loss :)

    Broscience nonsense......

    OP are you walking on the treadmill? If yes, there's no reason not to do it every day, same with riding a stationary bike. The fact that you say you're not working up a sweat makes me think you're working out at a pretty low intensity (or just have a very low sweat rate) but it's not surprising that you feel tired on 1200 cal per day & 2 hrs in the gym. Personally, 2 hrs on a treadmill or stationary bike would be my personal version of hell.....have you got somewhere you can walk outside & enjoy some scenery or go for a real bike ride?
  • memo1974
    memo1974 Posts: 57 Member
    Here is an article that you will find informative: