Looking to build muscle but lose the fat☺

Hello my names Charlie. If anyone has any tips on losing weight but maintaining muscle add me or send a message. Thanks


  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Build or maintain?

    To maintain and lose bodyfat consume a small calorie deficit including adequate protein whilst undertaking a weight training program.

    Building an appreciable amount of muscle mass at the same time as losing bodyfat is a whole different area.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    are you at a low enough BF% for recomp? If so there's a good thread in the maintenance

    Otherwise if you're still overweight I'd be cutting calories, following a progressive resistance programme and eating adequate protein (0.64-0.8g per lb bodyweight at a minimum) to preserve as much muscle as you can - then go into a bulk and cut cycle or recomp