Back to MFP- Need Positive (aka non-excuse making) Friends!

Hi Everyone!
I used MFP to lose weight a few years back and really liked it then. Since then I have been logging really inconsistently and have slowly gained back everything plus some more. I just made this new account and am looking for a fresh start! I didn't ever use the community part of mfp before but id like to now. Im looking for friends that are POSITIVE and dont constantly complain and make excuses for themselves. Im real and honest and 100% supportive. Feel free to add me!


  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    I am in a similar boat. Didn't gain it all back but I did gain a bunch back. It seems easier for me this time though.
  • sparkyjo
    sparkyjo Posts: 5 Member
    I am in exactly the same boat and am trying to get back into it now
  • perirn
    perirn Posts: 12 Member
    Same here..I just made a new account and started using the boards his time. I used t complain about not loosing weight until I realized that I'm complaining about things that are completely in my control, like eating to much junk, so this time I'm taking it one meal at a time and I am going to enjoy the journey to health instead of complain about it lol. Feel free to add me