Back in the saddle

Hey guys and girls, I'm 20 and currently 194lbs. I've been on myfitnesspal for a couple of years now but have only just started up again. Sadly it says I haven't lost any weight due to my starting weight being 13 stone (182lbs) when I made the account all that time ago, but this leg of my journey I started at 14st 2 and I am already down to 13st 8 so already 8lbs gone!

My aim is to drop down to 182lbs and get lean, im a uni student so I have enough time to train 3-4 times a week and my diet is what I make it so I am being fairly strict on myself!

If anyone is like-minded then please give me an add, I haven't used the community side of the app before and so have no friends (le cry), but in hoping that adding people with similar goals will keep me going :) thanks you for reading and good luck with your journey!