Weightloss and Chronic pain

rleider Posts: 14 Member
edited November 2015 in Motivation and Support
I just want to extend a discussion about exercising with chronic pain problems.
I have issues with my spine and have slipped and compressed disks along with nerve damage all over. I take pain meds but only enough to cut the pain to function (not the heavy narcotics).
1- I have used trial and error to find out the best possible exercises for me.
2- I am deliberate in counting calories since I have over eating issues in the past.
3- I DON'T over do it. I listen to my body and my pain. It's not worth a flare up.
4- I always give myself good music to listen to when working out, especially on days I have most pain. It's a good distraction.
5- we got a very small dog. She can't hurt me and we have to go on walks daily or she gets antsy. It's another excuse to move every day.
6- I do simply floor exercises while I'm watching my favorite shows on Netflix!
7- again, because it's so important, I listen to my body and my pain. I don't push too much. If I can't make my exercise goals then I'll try to eat less.
About me:
I hurt my entire spine in a training accident in the military. I habe ad one surgery so far, I will likely need another in the next 5 or 6 years or so.
I habe neuropathy (nerve damage with pain) in both arms and both legs. I get pain all over basically.
I'm 5 foot 6 inches and I started out at 175lb (august 31st), size 14 (xl) women's.
I am down to 160 now, size 10 (m).
I take Slimquick (it personally works well for me, but won't for everyone).
I drink water all day long. No other juice, soda, etc. I have a half a small macchiato from my local coffee ship every few days too.
I do as much low impact cardio and strength training as I can, cardio every day and strength every other or as I can. Depends on the pain.
My goal is 145, but might go to 140 depending on how my body evens out. After having my son I noticed for the first time really, my arms and back got super fat. So far they are the last to lose weight in :( my arm have hardly changed unfortunately which makes me feel awkward looking... they are 13.5"!

Any thoughts, comments, anything, just let me know!


  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    I too suffer with chronic pain brought about by concurrent illnesses the 2 main culprits being RSD and Lupus.

    Looking at the list you have compiled it sounds as though you have done some thorough testing of your limits and capabilities....and found your sweet spot.

    I think you deserve a high 5 are to be commended for taking charge of your health. Being knowledgeable about your illness and being your own best advocate will help immensely as you navigate Doctors etc etc. It takes great commitment to keep up with a diet and exercise plan under normal circumstances let alone coping with the extra issues that chronic ill health brings.

    Congratulations on your weight loss, that is wonderful and will help relieving the extra stress on joints and this can make a lot of difference to over all pain levels.

    One thing that you haven't mentioned in your list that has helped me greatly in managing my pain and bringing down the increased stress is incorporating the daily practice of meditation or purposeful relaxation techniques.....or beginners guided meditation I have found to be the most helpful and there are many resources out there that deal directly with the issue of pain management.....just a thought.

    Keep up the great work.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I'm giving you a feather soft high five. You sound like my classmates from my Live Better Every Day class, every one living with a chronic condition. You have taken charge and you have strategies.
  • OliverMol
    OliverMol Posts: 46 Member
    I am happy to see others also drink water only!
    You seem to be admirable.
    I will encourage you to target this head on: begin reading up on Neuroscience, Neuroengineering, Pathology, Neuriphysiology etc. And then figure out where the pin is. What spine bone is it. The third? The fifth? Get an ultrasound Or MRI or Blood tests, or get spinal fluid sampled.
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    I suffer with Lupus/RA and am the extreme opposite of you lol! I live the lifestyle of "push as hard as you can and when a flareup happens, it happens..." So I attempt to exercise, get out there, host a million guests etc and then BANG CRASH... to bed we go.... There are 2 reasons for this... first of all, my Dr is very much like that and encourages it, and second, I think I am "proving" to the world that I am fine and am not incapacitated in anyway. I know that sounds like I haven't come to terms with my health, but I have been like this for nearly 12 years (OMGGG) and for me it works...

    Good for u for having done the weight loss journey, I am attempting too x