Another makeup thread



  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I love makeup and done properly it simply enhances natrual beauty, minimises any imperfections and plays up features that you do like. I have an everyday look that is quite simple but on a night out I love to experiment and have fun.

    The point was made earlier that the whole point is to make you look better. Totally agree, if it doesn't then you're doing it wrong. Some girls just have no idea how much is too much. I once went into a makeup store and asked the girl selling it to match a foundation to my skin colour for me. She was like "what you want it matched to your skin colour, don't you want people to know that you have it on". WTF, no I don't want to look like I'm wearing an orange mask.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    It would be interesting to see people's with and without makeup photos posted to this thread if they have them.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Just break up............wait, what?

    I LOL'd.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    On daily basis I only use a slightly tinted lip balm with spf (Fresh sugar rose).

    For dance performances, special nights out/occasions or for professional type of events I will wear pressed powder, a light blush, the lip stuff I mentioned, and I will curl my eye lashes. I don't wear eye make-up (my lashes are already long and dark). I'm going to get some under eye concealer because one time I woke up before an important event with dark circles under my eyes (from stress).

    So most of the time no make-up, and when I do wear it, I keep it very simple. My husband always suggests no make-up, and says it's not needed.

    I also remember when I was younger I wore no make-up, just lipstick. And a friend of mine wore a face full of make-up, but no lipstick. And a guy thought that she didn't wear make-up and I wore a ton, so apparently lipstick is the thing that guys notice as being make-up.

    Also, I have a friend that says it always looks like I'm wearing eye shadow, but I never wear eye shadow. It's just that my eyelids are a slightly different color from the rest of my skin.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I do wear makeup most days. Not much, just enough to make my eyes pop a bit. Occasionally, I make myself go out without makeup, just to remind myself that I don't need it.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    mascara, eyelash curler, and lip stain. my three essentials. I'll wear a little more for a night out

    and apparently quite a bit more when you go for a run!!

    (LOVE your color run photo!)
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    It would be interesting to see people's with and without makeup photos posted to this thread if they have them.

    I just went through all of the pics I have on this computer and have come to the conclusion that I don't allow myself to be photographed without makeup.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I wear it whenever I am going out with friends, to my in-laws or with my husband
    for work I usually just wear lip balm occasionally I will wear lipstick and/or mascara to work - apparently it greatly improves my appearance but I am used to being a hideous beast so I can take it or leave it
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    It would be interesting to see people's with and without makeup photos posted to this thread if they have them.

    I just went through all of the pics I have on this computer and have come to the conclusion that I don't allow myself to be photographed without makeup.

    Not sure if I could find one of myself either.
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    But with 2 kids and a full time's hard to find the time for it now :laugh:
  • sparkly86
    sparkly86 Posts: 520 Member
    I feel more comfortable with makeup on, concealer at the very least, if I don't want to be confused with a raccoon.
  • sparkly86
    sparkly86 Posts: 520 Member
    I'm really pale and I have dark circles under my eyes all the time, whether I'm rested or not. They're just hereditary. So when I go out without makeup people often ask if I'm sick. Or tired. Or sick and tired.

    So yeah, I'm pro makeup.

    The same thing happens to me!! I have darker skin than you, but also hove those lovely genetic dark circles (Half Indian heritage and somehow the long eyelashes skipped my generation). Sometimes I wake up pretty and decide not to wear makeup and I get the same question, are you sick? hmmm noooo! that's just me!!! so sad!
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    Bumming at home and working out nope no make up. Work and going out even for shopping, yep make up... I'm a mum to a very active 3 yr old and I have a tired look otherwise!
  • taliasometimes
    taliasometimes Posts: 301 Member
    i always feel ashamed when i am seen without makeup.
    makeup is my life
  • callieboom
    callieboom Posts: 30
    I'll wear make up if I'm going out for a special occasion and that's it. I know I look 'better' with make up, but I don't really care that much!!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I have no problem going without makeup. I think after working for Sephora for years it's nice to not be required to wear it day in and day out. I have pics in my profile of me with makeup and without. Makeup is fun for me, but it isn't essential. And if I could only use 1 product the rest of my life, it would be my brown setting gel. I think that people underestimate the power of well polished brow.
  • nblais06
    nblais06 Posts: 376 Member
    I only wear make up if im going out dancing or something or feeling it for work one day. But it usually never happens.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    For me, either. I hardly wear makeup. My routine is moisturizer (because I want to preserve my skin), eye shadow, eye liner and mascara. I feel like my eyes are one of my most attractive features so i want to highlight them, BUT, there are many weekends that I don't wear make up. It's definitely not do or die for me :)
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    It would be interesting to see people's with and without makeup photos posted to this thread if they have them.

  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I feel better with makeup on, but that doesn't outweigh my laziness and procrastination almost every day....Most days I just wear a little powder foundation. If ya don't like it don't look!

    If I'm going out at night / on weekends, or if I have an abundance of time on my hands, I'll put it on. I'm also poor so I don't have a ton of cash to through around on makeup. I would if I was rich.