do your MFP friends cheer bad food choices?



  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I respect my the guys on my FL that call me out on stuff, because they're right. I'm the guy that doesn't mind be called out on bad habits, food choices etc. But not everyone is like me.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I've noticed a trend here. Posting here so you know you don't have to take this topic seriously if you don't want to.

    If they are still in their calorie goals, sure.
    Even if they go over every so often, sure.
    If they are continuing to make less healthy choices and going over their dialy calories, nope.
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    YES! I support my friends no matter what...And the same they with me! Not every day will be a perfect day. So they have my support even on pizza and ice cream days.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    I had someone call me out on my lack of vegetables once. I kind of actually appreciated it, because it's something I have to make a conscious decision about. I don't really like veggies, so I have to find ways to eat them that will be halfway enjoyable.
  • cheers_b
    cheers_b Posts: 74 Member
    "Bad" is a relative term........what's the baseline?:drinker:
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I get more excited with the so called "dirty" diaries.

    I will be that friend that cheers you on for eating "gabbage" and meeting your goals. My diary often includes a burger usually beef or tky with baked fries. I love Wendy's burgers & fries best.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I'm still not sure what bad food choices are. :(
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    One time I posted something about asparagus, and one of my friends said I should eat some.

    I deleted that **** right away. I ain't got time for friends who promote eating bad food.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    To me, the bad choice isn't really about the food. Ice cream isn't a bad choice for me if it fits in my macros and calories. It's a bad choice if it doesn't fit and I'm just eating whatever I want because I refuse to control my behavior. THAT'S a bad choice. And that's MY fault, not the ice cream's fault.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    IIFYM = applause (no such thing as "bad food" unless it's spoiled which I would NOT encourage eating ????)

    3000 over calorie goal = start over the next day and try to eliminate the trigger causing the binge...
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    "Had room in my calories for ice cream!" = YAY!

    "Got depressed and ate a half-gallon of ice cream." = Sorry you had a tough time of it. Tomorrow's a new day.
    QFT cos it's faster than typing it myself.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    No such thing as a bad food choice. All food is good. And drink.

    But I'm not a cheerleader type, even if they eat special flowers that only grow in a magical grove, handpicked by fairies and washed with a unicorn's tears, I'm not going to think they're doing anything better than the person whose calorie intake for the past weekend has been largely provided in convenient green bottles.
  • iarelarry
    iarelarry Posts: 201 Member
    I love pizza!
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    I'm an enabler, so I cheer them on no matter what they're doing. This includes (but is no limited to) eating a whole large pizza, a gallon of ice cream, two pounds of bacon, one of the huge jars of Nutella, sleeping with random people, using heroin as their pre-workout supplement, watching porn and masturbating at work, etc.

    I will not cheer them on if they choose to listen to Nickelback, though. I have f*cking standards...
  • sara0ann
    sara0ann Posts: 57 Member
    "Had room in my calories for ice cream!" = YAY!

    "Got depressed and ate a half-gallon of ice cream." = Sorry you had a tough time of it. Tomorrow's a new day.

  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    "Had room in my calories for ice cream!" = YAY!

    "Got depressed and ate a half-gallon of ice cream." = Sorry you had a tough time of it. Tomorrow's a new day.

    Also quoting this. Absolutely right.

    Occasionally I'll make a suggestion for a substitute that I've tried in the past if I think it will help them from pidgeonholing their macronutrients. I tend to pidgeonhole the hell out of my diary and I know I appreciate the suggestions sometimes.
  • ReadynWillin
    ReadynWillin Posts: 104
    lol Jonny dat asparagus. You would think it was like crack or something.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    If they manage to get some treats in and still do well calorie wise than I feel that is worth a cheer. :bigsmile:
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    No, but I'm pretty sure none of them believe in "bad" food.