Thanksgiving: The Day After. How Did You Do?

I added 4 servings of a generic 1000-calorie "Thanksgiving Meal" to my MFP diary and called it a Turkey Day. I haven't weighed myself this morning, but que sera, sera -- I'm fairly confident that I have not regained the 80 lbs I lost!


  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    Lol. I think I did well. I ate a late but small breakfast, skipped lunch, had one glass of wine and estimated dinner to be about 1000 calories. I budgeted room for pumpkin pie. My estimates could be off but I didn't feel stuffed at all so I'm happy.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    This is the first time I tracked Thanksgiving, and it wasn't as bad as I thought. A little over 2200 calories. If I hadn't eaten pie and ice cream and had a glass of wine, I would have been within my limits. Turkey is actually one of the less caloric entrees, and I'm not huge on piling my plate with potatoes and stuffing, just took the minimum serving size of each. I also ate lightly during the day. 4 ounces of turkey is a fairly big portion. In fact, I had gone out to dinner Wednesday and had dessert, and my total was the same.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Probably at most 300 calories over maintenance. That won't take too long to lose.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    It was awesome. I have no real clue how much I ate (what I put in MFP is maybe somewhat in the ballpark, but I don't really know) but it was a fabulous day. We had fun, food and family and it was a beautiful day, so we walked outside a lot while the turkey was cooking.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Total for the day was 3000 calories. The biggest hits were my cousins amazing mashed potatoes made with cream, cream cheese and pools of butter on top,my sweet potato casserole and my whiskey pecan pie. Oh and wine of course...

    I am one of those lucky ones who gets to do it all over again tomorrow with the other side of the family, so the "it's only one day" doesn't work for me but one indulgen weekend also won't undo all my progress...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    600 over maintenance maybe? Got an extra long workout in the morning though. I actually did really well at dinner, what did me in is that I was up at 4am and I was STARVING when we got there at 1pm and had too much cheese. Whatever. I did much better than last year and it's all that matters to me.

    The main issue frankly though is the leftovers. I'll try to avoid everything but the turkey.
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    I didn't have breakfast other than my usual cup of coffee (mostly because I was too busy cooking and cleaning the house all morning). I didn't weigh/measure anything, but I've become pretty good at eyeballing my servings. I estimated my 1:00pm dinner was about three times the calories of a normal meal for me. I was so stuffed after that I had a couple beers and a (third) serving of pie in the evening, and I was still full at bedtime. Overall, I was somewhere around 300 calories over my goal, so not a bad Thanksgiving at all!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I tracked... I ate 4203 calories. It's reasonably accurate. We started with a mimosa breakfast @ my SILs and ended with a pie course at about 8pm. In between courses I walked 8 miles on Danville's iron horse trail that runs through beautiful wooded residential neighborhoods.
    I spent most of last week on a roadtrip thru the southwest helping my husband move back home from a job assignment. Eating right & exercising enough is hard when you're driving 700 mi/day!
    I work from a weekly calorie allotment, so I just figured this whole week at the TDEE of my current weight & a lower activity level than usual. Stress free! I can resume losing weight next week. I have no regrets other than damn that too full feeling is uncomfortable, isn't it?? I had sort of forgotten how that feels!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    I tracked... I ate 4203 calories. It's reasonably accurate. We started with a mimosa breakfast @ my SILs and ended with a pie course at about 8pm. In between courses I walked 8 miles on Danville's iron horse trail that runs through beautiful wooded residential neighborhoods.
    I spent most of last week on a roadtrip thru the southwest helping my husband move back home from a job assignment. Eating right & exercising enough is hard when you're driving 700 mi/day!
    I work from a weekly calorie allotment, so I just figured this whole week at the TDEE of my current weight & a lower activity level than usual. Stress free! I can resume losing weight next week. I have no regrets other than damn that too full feeling is uncomfortable, isn't it?? I had sort of forgotten how that feels!

    I was so miserable last night, I definitely forgot that overstuffed feeling! No regrets though, and I also agree about the road trips making it hard to get in activity!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    edited November 2015
    I pre-logged and allowed for it, only one plate, didn't go crazy with the sweets (usually my downfall). Also, got in 3.5 mile run that morning to help bank more calories..

    Dinner was:
    Mashed potatoes and gravy
    Stuffing (1 ice cream scoop worth)
    Green beans (the only "healthy" thing on the plate..LOL)
    Sweet potatoes
    Dinner Roll w/butter
    1 slice of pecan pie

    I didn't overstuff and feel pretty happy about it all.

    Today, I'm ravenous :(
    So my breakfast is higher than normal but I'll just make sure I get some exercise in and slow down for the rest of the day....
  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    I give MFP all the credit for a good day yesterday. I had planned ahead, actually pre-logging both food and exercise. I started the day with a big workout, ate a light brunch and then ate exactly what I wanted at the big meal! I didn't feel deprived at all, felt a little stuffed (which is a good reminder why you shouldn't pig out) and basically stayed within my goal. This season has many challenging days when you're trying to lose weight but having the tools here makes it easy!
  • Pawsforme
    Pawsforme Posts: 645 Member
    I stayed well within my calorie allotment. I find holidays where the main message is "stuff yourself until you're miserable" to be very good at suppressing my appetite. And please note that's not a slam on anyone--just one of my personal hang ups.

    But I was still up 6/10ths of a pound this morning. The sodium in the ham, no doubt.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I hit about 6000 + and loved every single scrap of food...
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited November 2015
    I didn't bother to track how many calories I ate yesterday. It was a Holiday so I enjoyed it.
  • hhof
    hhof Posts: 26 Member
    My day started with sabotage! My husband bought my favorite cinnamon roles, only 150 cal. but 6 grms of fat. But the day progressed as usual with a little lighter lunch. After dinner and pie, I was about 725 calories over my MVP plan. I weighed myself the morning of just as a gentle reminder of my goals and found I lost one pound from my previouse weigh in on Monday. That was encouraging and pyschologically helpful for the day, not weighing in today, just incase, I don't want the let down. However, I don't know how to get through the weekend with all the left overs of the best stuffing ever, turkey, gravy, yams, bread, pie, crepes etc.! Got any ideas?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    hhof wrote: »
    My day started with sabotage! My husband bought my favorite cinnamon roles, only 150 cal. but 6 grms of fat. But the day progressed as usual with a little lighter lunch. After dinner and pie, I was about 725 calories over my MVP plan. I weighed myself the morning of just as a gentle reminder of my goals and found I lost one pound from my previouse weigh in on Monday. That was encouraging and pyschologically helpful for the day, not weighing in today, just incase, I don't want the let down. However, I don't know how to get through the weekend with all the left overs of the best stuffing ever, turkey, gravy, yams, bread, pie, crepes etc.! Got any ideas?

    If you weighed today, it would mainly be water weight that would show up. Not a big deal and it'll come back off. As for leftovers, just work them into your calories as you can. Once I get home from work I'm having a turkey sandwich and stuffing, and I'll still have plenty of room for dinner.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Hahaha @WinoGelato ... that feeling is the WORST! and I was wearing stretch leggings!!
    ~hangs head in shame~
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I'm ok with yesterday. Carbs were a little higher than I'd like, but still within range. I was 42 cals over, but I had a 500cal burn yesterday morning, so I'm ok with my overages.


    Hubby did even better...


    And we both dropped. I lost .25lb and he lost .4lb since yesterday morning. This may be the first Tday that we didn't both gain. Tracking food is so worth it.
  • akboy58
    akboy58 Posts: 137 Member
    Eileen_S wrote: »
    I didn't bother to track how many calories I ate yesterday. It was a Holiday so I enjoyed it.

  • ZeXea
    ZeXea Posts: 168 Member
    I didn't care how much I ate yesterday lol. I went to the gym for 2 hours just to ensure if I ate the 4000 I expected I would that I wouldn't feel badly. Then when the meal came and I ate and logged it, turned out to be about 1700. Not bad :) I ate at maintanence for the day. Quite pleased.
    Now for today I want some leftovers