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do women look at butts...???

tinuz Posts: 1,123 Member
oke, here's the issue. I had a discussion yesterday that women look at mens butts as often as men do at womens butts.
To be honest, i'm a butt man. i like looking at them butts....not like a creep or something...but a good butt is a joy to see.

Now i'm convinced that women do so too.....

what are your thoughts.


  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    I hate men
  • jhenan
    jhenan Posts: 433 Member
    I always look at butts men and women
  • HannaSusi
    HannaSusi Posts: 857 Member
    Well, yeah, but I've always assumed it's for different reasons...

    When men look at womens' butts, I think it's part aesthetic and part "I'd tap that", like, you've got a physical interest on it as well.

    When women look at mens' butts, it's just aesthetic, you know, we don't actually DO anything with that part of you, it's just nice to look at like abs and arms and shoulders and so on.

    Tl;dr: yeah we look, but not the same way you do.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    HannaSusi wrote: »
    Well, yeah, but I've always assumed it's for different reasons...

    When men look at womens' butts, I think it's part aesthetic and part "I'd tap that", like, you've got a physical interest on it as well.

    When women look at mens' butts, it's just aesthetic, you know, we don't actually DO anything with that part of you, it's just nice to look at like abs and arms and shoulders and so on.

    Tl;dr: yeah we look, but not the same way you do.

    LoL. there aren't many parts in men which attract a woman.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    HannaSusi wrote: »
    Well, yeah, but I've always assumed it's for different reasons...

    When men look at womens' butts, I think it's part aesthetic and part "I'd tap that", like, you've got a physical interest on it as well.

    When women look at mens' butts, it's just aesthetic, you know, we don't actually DO anything with that part of you, it's just nice to look at like abs and arms and shoulders and so on.

    Tl;dr: yeah we look, but not the same way you do.

    That's awesome you speak for all women.... Are you women's official spokeperson?
  • HannaSusi
    HannaSusi Posts: 857 Member
    edited November 2015
    HannaSusi wrote: »
    Well, yeah, but I've always assumed it's for different reasons...

    When men look at womens' butts, I think it's part aesthetic and part "I'd tap that", like, you've got a physical interest on it as well.

    When women look at mens' butts, it's just aesthetic, you know, we don't actually DO anything with that part of you, it's just nice to look at like abs and arms and shoulders and so on.

    Tl;dr: yeah we look, but not the same way you do.

    That's awesome you speak for all women.... Are you women's official spokeperson?

    Well, since the question was about "women", I answered for "women"... What do I know though :smiley: I'm sure many others will contribute their own thoughts about the matter. (also there's that funny word "assumed" right in the start.... Sorry if my assumption offended somebody.)
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    HannaSusi wrote: »
    HannaSusi wrote: »
    Well, yeah, but I've always assumed it's for different reasons...

    When men look at womens' butts, I think it's part aesthetic and part "I'd tap that", like, you've got a physical interest on it as well.

    When women look at mens' butts, it's just aesthetic, you know, we don't actually DO anything with that part of you, it's just nice to look at like abs and arms and shoulders and so on.

    Tl;dr: yeah we look, but not the same way you do.

    That's awesome you speak for all women.... Are you women's official spokeperson?

    Well, since the question was about "women", I answered for "women"... What do I know though :smiley: I'm sure many others will contribute their own thoughts about the matter. (also there's that funny word "assumed" right in the start.... Sorry if my assumption offended somebody.)

    Just giving you a hard time. Lol. No offense taken
  • HannaSusi
    HannaSusi Posts: 857 Member
    HannaSusi wrote: »
    HannaSusi wrote: »
    Well, yeah, but I've always assumed it's for different reasons...

    When men look at womens' butts, I think it's part aesthetic and part "I'd tap that", like, you've got a physical interest on it as well.

    When women look at mens' butts, it's just aesthetic, you know, we don't actually DO anything with that part of you, it's just nice to look at like abs and arms and shoulders and so on.

    Tl;dr: yeah we look, but not the same way you do.

    That's awesome you speak for all women.... Are you women's official spokeperson?

    Well, since the question was about "women", I answered for "women"... What do I know though :smiley: I'm sure many others will contribute their own thoughts about the matter. (also there's that funny word "assumed" right in the start.... Sorry if my assumption offended somebody.)

    Just giving you a hard time. Lol. No offense taken

    ....still waiting to be elected as the official spokesperson. Lots of good opinions right here!
  • henshemi
    henshemi Posts: 1,977 Member
    We need a booty thread. Cause I got one for yous.....mine sometimes get pinched lol
  • Jess1989ica
    Jess1989ica Posts: 2,391 Member
    I always look!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    If they don't look, I'll be pissed
  • jbuzzed
    jbuzzed Posts: 10,172 Member
    I only notice if the guy is wearing well fitted pants. Otherwise not in my radar.
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    I think Noam Chomsky and Simone de Beauvoir have written a series of essays on this subject in what has become known as "The Great Butt Debate." You should look it up. Some very interesting perspectives delving deep into the deepest, darkest depths of bootie theory.
  • notwaitin
    notwaitin Posts: 119 Member
    notwaitin got some mad respect for them hot a$$es...doesn't go unnoticed
  • New_determination
    New_determination Posts: 1,460 Member
    I look?!
  • tinuz
    tinuz Posts: 1,123 Member
    I think Noam Chomsky and Simone de Beauvoir have written a series of essays on this subject in what has become known as "The Great Butt Debate." You should look it up. Some very interesting perspectives delving deep into the deepest, darkest depths of bootie theory.

    will have to look in to this..... thanks
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    I personally do not look at men's butts. But I am constantly looking at other women's butts and admiring what I do not have lol
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    Yes. Yes we do. Squats are appreciated. :)
  • ShrinkingKerrie
    ShrinkingKerrie Posts: 338 Member
    I look at butts :p
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    tinuz wrote: »
    I think Noam Chomsky and Simone de Beauvoir have written a series of essays on this subject in what has become known as "The Great Butt Debate." You should look it up. Some very interesting perspectives delving deep into the deepest, darkest depths of bootie theory.

    will have to look in to this..... thanks

    If you really want to read theory about objectification and how men and women both view people as sexual objects in part because of how our ways of perceiving reality are structured via cultural productions (e.g. film), look up Laura Mulvey and "the male gaze." It's really interesting. A little dated, but still very relevant.