So, about a dumbell routine...

IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
edited November 2015 in Motivation and Support
I want to get a better routine going three days a week. Right now I am sporadic and have a loose knee which pooped out on the 11th, so I am doing some gentle walking and wearing a brace.
I don't have a bar only dumbbells up to 45 lbs. an incline bench, a 25 lb kettle ball and a 10 medicine ball. I have other equipment (recumbent bike and elliptical) but I really just want to focus on weights on those three days. As much as I want to do progressive lifting, I would run out of weights really quickly. I thought I could drag it out a bit until I can afford more weights. I do respond well to lifting. I used to unload trucks but that didn't teach me a thing about form.
I do eat at a deficit to maintenance most days (1200-1900) with the occasional crazy overdo (3500) when I have alcohol which looks like my pattern is every two weeks. I thought I could take extra advantage of the overdo days with an additional session. Here is the thing, if this is my routine do you think it will be effective enough. ( My goals are to retain muscle and build endurance, but if I gain muscle/ strength that'd be great too. I do weighted, mostly a measly 5-10lbs but I do to failure. When I can get to a next set of ten then I do that until I can add another set. I am working up to doing 50 reps per before going up in weights for that exercise.)

Squats- Sumo, Goblets, Prisoner - 30 ea.
Kettle bell swing- 30
Lumberjacks - 30-40
I'm not sure what it's called, but it's for core. Where you hold a plate over your head and do circles in each direction- 30
Wrist curls - 20
chest fly- 30
chest press- 30
shoulder press- 30
Lat raises- 20
Bent over rows-20
Curls- 30
Tricep dips-10
Heels lifts In- 30
Heel lifts out- 30
Wall pushups- 30
Twists- 50

I go easy on squats sometimes depending on my knees and is the reason I don't do lunges. They really hurt. So if there are any suggestions about strengthening that area, please share them.
As much as I would love to go to a gym, I have two little ones and no budget for an extra monthly expense. I also don't have too much room and keep my weights put away so my kiddos don't get hurt. I get equipment as cheap as I can find it and have been gifted some too. I want to get a bar, but am wary of my knees. Dead lifts sound so fun, but I guess I could use some advice with that as well. Thanks for reading and for your input!

I just realized I posted this in the wrong category... Sorry all...
