Weight Loss Surgery

I had the Sleeve Weightloss Surgery 2 months ago. Does anyone have advice for how many calories I should be consuming on my fitness pal?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    What does your treatment team recommend?
  • janmmmgood52
    janmmmgood52 Posts: 4 Member
    You shouldn't have to be counting calories after having the sleeve done. Your body should not allow you to eat an abundance of food. Always eat your protein first and then veggies. You have to follow all the gastric sleeve guidelines. It works! Lost 140 lbs. 5 years ago! I have regained 8 lbs. over the last 5 months. Presently working on getting it off.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    This is something your doctor should have told you. It's likely you won't be able to meet MFP's minimum, so the amount from them willwork
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    After surgery my dietitian gave me a target of 1200 calories a day, with a minimum of 90g of protein I think. I didn't always meet it but I tried.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    You shouldn't have to be counting calories after having the sleeve done. Your body should not allow you to eat an abundance of food. Always eat your protein first and then veggies. You have to follow all the gastric sleeve guidelines. It works! Lost 140 lbs. 5 years ago! I have regained 8 lbs. over the last 5 months. Presently working on getting it off.

    Are you sure? Wouldn't her Dr or team given her a calorie goal to meet in order to not gain the weight back?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    When I was discharged from the program a full year after surgery I was asked to continue with the calorie counting. It was drilled in to us that the surgery is only a tool. The hard work continues.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    edited November 2015
    Your doctor should have given you some calorie guidelines. In the first couple of months after my surgery, I was supposed to focus more on getting enough protein in (at least 80 grams a day for me) and taking my vitamins. Since it was so hard to get food in, I was eating scarily low amounts of calories at first.
    You shouldn't have to be counting calories after having the sleeve done. Your body should not allow you to eat an abundance of food. Always eat your protein first and then veggies. You have to follow all the gastric sleeve guidelines. It works! Lost 140 lbs. 5 years ago! I have regained 8 lbs. over the last 5 months. Presently working on getting it off.

    I completely disagree. This is the time when it's critical to begin counting calories. Obviously, just winging it hasn't been working & by not paying attention and putting forth the effort after surgery, many people won't succeed in the long run. This is the time to develop good habits--counting all calories, using a food scale & weighing every bite--making full use of all of the tools you've been given.

    You won't be able to make the minimums set by MFP, but you can still set up your calorie goal & use it to track your protein intake. Even though your stomach is smaller, you can still eat your way around it if you are not careful.

  • janmmmgood52
    janmmmgood52 Posts: 4 Member
    Why would you want to count calories 2 months out from surgery. If you can eat 1200 calories of healthy food at this point after surgery, then I really think that something went wrong. I'm not a doctor, but I did have the surgery and did extremely well. As time goes on, it does become more necessary to watch closely the types of foods and calorie intake.
    Protein first then veggies. Always! It's the key to eating healthy and getting necessary nutrients. And no Amy...I didn't wing it!
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I had the Sleeve Weightloss Surgery 2 months ago. Does anyone have advice for how many calories I should be consuming on my fitness pal?

    Please talk to your medical team. The numbers provided by MFP won't be accurate for your current needs, especially so close to surgery.
  • janmmmgood52
    janmmmgood52 Posts: 4 Member
    Couldn't agree with u more, Ki4eld! :)
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    You shouldn't have to be counting calories after having the sleeve done. Your body should not allow you to eat an abundance of food. Always eat your protein first and then veggies. You have to follow all the gastric sleeve guidelines. It works! Lost 140 lbs. 5 years ago! I have regained 8 lbs. over the last 5 months. Presently working on getting it off.

    Weight loss surgery does not limit your overall food intake. It only limits how much you can eat at one time. Otherwise, it would be 100% successful, nobody would relapse. I'm glad you've developed good enough habits to be successful with it and know what to do to get back on track after you've slipped a little, but the surgery didn't give you the habits. Your hard work and determination made the surgery successful.

  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    ki4eld wrote: »
    I had the Sleeve Weightloss Surgery 2 months ago. Does anyone have advice for how many calories I should be consuming on my fitness pal?

    Please talk to your medical team. The numbers provided by MFP won't be accurate for your current needs, especially so close to surgery.

    A huge yes to this. Your care team should have set you up with this long before the procesure.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    Why would you want to count calories 2 months out from surgery. If you can eat 1200 calories of healthy food at this point after surgery, then I really think that something went wrong. I'm not a doctor, but I did have the surgery and did extremely well. As time goes on, it does become more necessary to watch closely the types of foods and calorie intake.
    Protein first then veggies. Always! It's the key to eating healthy and getting necessary nutrients. And no Amy...I didn't wing it!

    I agree that she won't be able to eat 1200 calories. If you customize your goals, you can set your calories & macros for whatever you want--it doesn't have to be 1200. I also agree that she should be eating protein first & then veggies. I just think that she should start tracking her food intake now, not later. If we're being honest, nobody ends up getting weight loss surgery because we're great at monitoring our own food intake. I think those are habits that should be established well before they are needed. You've done fabulous & maybe you didn't need to track your calories until 5 years out, but re-gain is a battle for most people no matter how they lose the weight. It sounds to me like she may not have the proper support from her surgical team if she's asking about calorie intake online.

  • janmmmgood52
    janmmmgood52 Posts: 4 Member
    I totally agree that she probably needs more support and advice from her medical team.
    And yes, keeping the weight off is a daily struggle! Surgery was just a big tool for me, not a cure! ☺
    You are so right, good eating habits are extremely important from the getgo! If I had them, I know my surgery would not have been necessary.
    I think we got off on the wrong foot, sorry!
    Have a great day and good luck on your journey!
  • thenewnancy48
    thenewnancy48 Posts: 5 Member
    I had the Sleeve Weightloss Surgery 2 months ago. Does anyone have advice for how many calories I should be consuming on my fitness pal?

    Thank you everyone for your responses I was so suprized to get so many responses. According to this website I am supposed to eat 1310 calories a day. The past two days I was not able to meet my calorie goal I have actually 300 to 450 calories less than I am suppossed to eat. That may sound bad but I can't help it my stomach is smaller and I was not that hungry.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Do not go by the calories on MFP. Call the surgeon's office for information. They will take care of you.
  • TinaMP73
    TinaMP73 Posts: 12 Member
    Oh my goodness, you can't go by what MFP says! What does your nutritionist say? Or your Dr? That's who you need to listen to!

    I was sleeved 2 weeks ago and am lucky if I get 700 calories in. My nutritionist wants me to eventually have 1000-1200.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    In the early days 1200 is the target, not always achieved. Have some liquid or semi-solid, protein heavy options around to top up at the end of the day. Do you tolerate Greek Yogurt?
  • jodiosterman1
    jodiosterman1 Posts: 2 Member
    I am almost a year out from my sleeve surgery. At less than 6 months out I think 1000 or less would be fine. While counting calories is important, it's also important to track your protein too. Aim for a minimum of 60 grams of protein a day, and plan your foods around that. Remember- this is for life so complete deprivation is not a good idea but you have to find a balance for yourself. Plan your "rewards" and make them sensible. When you find yourself craving a specific food, try to figure out what about that food it is you're craving. If it's chicken Alfredo, are you craving the noodles or the sauce? Low fat/low cal sauce with some chicken breast over zucchini noodles or just sauce and chicken is a much better alternative than trying the pasta and getting sick/being in pain.
  • thenewnancy48
    thenewnancy48 Posts: 5 Member
    I have not tracked my calories in over a month and have lost weight started at 215 on this site and am now down to 201