What am I doing wrong?



  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    I'll do another post later on talking about my progress. Both mentally and physically.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member

    Per http://weightloss.about.com/od/exercis1/a/What-Is-Body-Composition.htm

    "You can't change the part of your body that is bones, tissues and organs.
    You can change the RATIO of fat to muscle with good training and proper diet.
    Lean muscle mass burns more calories than fat, shapes your figure, and helps your body to function more efficiently throughout your daily activities."

    "For many people, getting on the scale is difficult.
    But if you focus on body composition, the struggle can be a little bit more tolerable.
    Weight can fluctuate from day to day, but if you set a goal based on creating muscle and building a lean frame, you’ll ensure better results in the long run."
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    There's sooo many more victories/defeats than "the number on the scale".
    Much of life is all about what we chose to focus on, and the actions we chose to do.
    btw ~ choosing "no action" IS actually an action, in my book.

    Have you heard of non-scale victories, ie NSV ?

    Mallybear2020, make it your goal AND your "action item" to post to this link a minimum of twice a week.
    You'll be amazed at how your mind-set will shift .
    Read thru the other postings, for some really positive energy ! :)


    Wishing you the best, in the actions you choose.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    I used to really want to be 100 lbs or under. I'm 5'1 and currently 122lbs. I had my DS almost 16 months ago and I was 115lbs when I got pregant with him. I'm still trying to lose some of the baby weight I put on with him. Plus the breastfeeding weight that just didn't budge. My goal is 115lbs before I TTC again.

    Anyway...when I was here 3 years ago I was really struggling to be 100lbs. I did get down to 108bs and I realized something. I'm not supposed to be 100lbs.

    Even though I'm petite I have a pretty large frame. It doesn't make much sense...but I'm sort of large boned. My wrists and ankles are pretty large for a small women...well maybe not quite large ...not small. I'm not dainty or small boned. I wear a size large in gloves because my hands are big. I'm also sort of muscular.

    100lbs isn't a magic weight for women our size. I look best at around 111 to 114lbs. 100lbs is actually underweight unless you have a very small frame.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    OP, My personal advice to you would be - forget the number on the scale.

    I am also 5 ft 2 and I am 121 lbs. My 'dream' was to be around 110. Now I'm at 121, I've come to realise that I actually can't eat as much as I'd like to eat being this size! If I got down to 110, the amount of food I'd be able to eat to maintain would decrease significantly and I don't want to be a size that is ultimately very very difficult to maintain. I want to be able to live my life still! Also - 110 is quite small. I want to be strong and fighting fit. 110 lbs isn't realistic for me in that sense either. I need the extra 10 lbs to lift my desired weights and achieve that strong, lean look. You're at a great weight. The scale isn't important now.