Hard to do... But I'm asking for help

Good Morning fellow MFP'ers

I been meaning to write a post on here for a few weeks. I'm seeking support & motivation from people who may of gone through or is going through a similar situation. Admitting you need help is hard.

My marriage ended a few weeks ago and yesterday I became unemployed. It's safe to say I've hit rock bottom mentally and emotionally. I got sick 2 weeks ago possibly from the stress. So I have turned to eating everything insight and junk I never normally eat. I haven't worked out for 2 weeks now.

I been training with a coach once a week. Been eating really well. I'd lost 9kg in 8 months and was looking and feeling the best I'd ever have. Then my world come crashing down. I'm struggling not to put *kitten* in my mouth. I struggle to get out of bed let alone to the gym. I've gained a couple of kg's and can feel myself going backwards at a quick rate.

Anyone got some advice or even show me there is a light at the end of this dark hole I fell into.



  • Paulina1230
    Paulina1230 Posts: 215 Member
    Cass I am so sorry for everything youre going thru right now. I am not going to tell you all that stuff about being strong or picking yourself back up or yada,yada,yada. I am going to tell you that you have suffered a real loss. A painful loss and you need time to grieve. Time to scream, cry, curse, throw things and throw an epic tantrum. Dont deny your feelings....embrace them and acknowledge how *kitten*!ty these things are that happened to you. Take time to mourn your losses and yes eventually there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But dont mask anything right now cause if you dont work it out now these feelings will come back later and wreck havoc in your life. When the pain has lessoned alittle....then its time to make the decision to begin to take control of your life and start to make the changes that will make you feel stronger and in control of your life and eventually happier. I feel for you and I do understand how rough this all is. Above all.....remember that its all ultimately out of your control and dont kick yourself when youre down. As hard as it might be for you right now....work hard to love yourself, because when you start to love yourself you will no longer be doing things that are harmful to you. Add me if youd like someone to talk to.
  • A_New_Creation
    A_New_Creation Posts: 169 Member
    I'm sorry for all this stress you are going through. Even if you gained some pounds back, you likely still haven't undone all the progress you've made in the last months. Don't let it get to that point. You are now aware of your current struggle for motivation. Remember how great and excited you felt when you started seeing changes in your physique.
    You've been through a lot of crap lately, don't make it harder on yourself by being cruel to yourself. Be kind,gentle, empathetic, and patient. I hope things start turning around for you soon.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited November 2015
    + 1 to the posters above me… very sorry for so much loss and upheaval happening at once :/

    But also, walk. Not so much for exercise as for clearing space in your head. It's good to have a change of scene and some fresh air, if you've been in most days (and in the same space where you've been feeling all kinds of sad and scary things). One step at a time, for everything, right? That's the way.

    There will come a time - probably not soon, but it'll come - when this moment will feel distant. After you process all this, you'll probably recognize that the ending of the marriage was a good thing. And it was, because if it wasn't working, it wasn't. Which means you have room to figure out a happier and freer way to live. Maybe down the line, you'll meet someone else who'll suit you better, who'll be ready and willing and able to make a good and happy life with you.

    The job loss… so awful for that to happen now. Are your legal ducks in a row with your ex, and have you applied for unemployment? Cover your bases that way as soon as you can, so you have some time to make your next move.

    Reach out to close people now, don't hide.

    It's good that you're already thinking of how to get through. That shows you're someone who wants to survive, and you will.