Looking for friends for Mutual Support, 3rd time's the charm?

Hello! This is my third attempt to stick to an eating plan for a healthier lifestyle, and I'm on my 4th week now so it feels a little bit more promising than the last time. I'm looking for any friends also on a weight lost journey or who have achieved weight loss goals and are maintaining. Especially those who have (or had) more than 100 pounds to lose. I think having some positive support will make this experience much easier and maybe even fun!

About me: I wouldn't call myself a nerd or a geek but definitely have some geeky interests. Im a big fan of Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and Downton Abbey. My new favorite show is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. For music I have many varied interests but my favorites are Adele, Mumford & Sons, Evanescence, Puscifer, Nirvana, and Queen. I'm madly in love with Seth MacFarlane and Rachel Maddow, I'm a very proud liberal democrat, and an activist for LGBT rights, body acceptance, women's rights, racial equality, and anything that supports children and animals globally. I do enjoy like minded people, but I am a generally accepting person of those with different values, as long as they are generally kind, non-violent, and as accepting of my beliefs as I am of theirs. I live in Arizona with my roommate and 2 kitties, and I have two gorgeous nieces and a handsome nephew who I love more than all the cake in the world. They are definitely a source of inspiration for me as I'd love to take my younger niece on an amazing vacation after she turns 18 in just over 2 years, and I can't do that in the physical condition I am in now.

I hope that wasn't too much information! I can get a bit chatty and I hoped to find some people with whom I can share more than just weigh-ins and food diaries. If you'd like to be friends, please do add me! :)


  • SimpleSexy28
    SimpleSexy28 Posts: 7 Member
    Add me if you wish. Faithx
  • MaxT370
    MaxT370 Posts: 274 Member
    Hi there! I'm new to this place but have been on my weight loss journey since February. So far I've lost 36 pounds but need to lose a total of 70 and see if I need to lose more.

    About me: I've tried to lose weight before but would always stop for one reason or another. Lack of motivation? No support? No strong will? I don't know. I'd see results and just stop. I am 30, I have no kids of my own but have 2 nephews. I work a fairly active job where I'm on my feet all day long. I love animated shows; futurama, family guy, American dad, the Cleveland show, the simpsons. Rock is my music of choice, Octane is my chosen Sirius xm station. I have no definitive religious or political affiliations. I believe everybody should be allowed to be happy, whatever happy is to them. I'm young at heart, live in Ohio and have a 12 year old australian/cattledog mix. Animals surround my life at work and at home as I am a registered veterinary technician with a bleeding heart. If you'd like to be friends, feel free to add me here!