Dealing with plateaus



  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I lost 48 pounds my first year and the last nine months I have lost 10-12 pounds, the thing I noticed about myself is now I have a fitgear to register calories and I am eating more, before I didn't hardly exercise, so I didnt eat back my calories. I know I got to a place that I was happy to see, and I got moe leanient with my eating. I have been happy to not be gaining and I still am counting calories, but I do go over alittle sometimes. Basicially what I am saying I have not been as determined to lose weight as I was the first year of my being on mfp. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy, not saying you did any of this, but I thought my story could be helpful to others.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    May I just check that you understand that when you put in 4x60 minute exercise in your MFP settings that is NOT included in the numbers you get

    The MFP number is based on your age, height, weight and activity level (betting you put sedentary) and your goal weight loss per week only

    I imagine your logging has inaccuracies and you're not actually consuming as low as you believe ...because the MFP database is so bad in places and cups and spoons so inaccurate this is easily done unfortunately
  • carnivalnights
    carnivalnights Posts: 114 Member
    edited November 2015
    I always add USDA after anything I'm searching. "banana raw Usda " Which can be a little more accurate than the other generic entries. If in doubt, just go straight to the USDA website .

    Thanks! I've seen those entries before. I will check out the website as well (and check if the Canadian equivalent has listings too).
  • carnivalnights
    carnivalnights Posts: 114 Member
    You can use google for certain calorie things too like fruits and veggies. If you google calories in strawberries it gives you cals for 100g of raw strawberries.
    I'd also be careful with going too low on your calories, especially since you aren't eating back exercise ones.
    As for strength, you don't have to do high impact or much floor work. You can do standing push-ups against a wall to get started, squats, lunges while holding onto something. Try YouTube for begginer calisthenics or body weight workouts.

    Yeah, that's why I am concerned trusting MFP's default. I am basing my new number of what I ate before and the fact that I adjusted last time by 100 calories (which seemed to work). I'll see how I get on.

    I can do those things. I will give YouTube a go then. That's where I find most of my other workouts (or DVDs). :)
  • carnivalnights
    carnivalnights Posts: 114 Member
    I lost 48 pounds my first year and the last nine months I have lost 10-12 pounds, the thing I noticed about myself is now I have a fitgear to register calories and I am eating more, before I didn't hardly exercise, so I didnt eat back my calories. I know I got to a place that I was happy to see, and I got moe leanient with my eating. I have been happy to not be gaining and I still am counting calories, but I do go over alittle sometimes. Basicially what I am saying I have not been as determined to lose weight as I was the first year of my being on mfp. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy, not saying you did any of this, but I thought my story could be helpful to others.

    Congrats on your loss. :) I understand what you're saying, and I hope to also get to a place where it doesn't always have to be top of mind. I'm not at a place where I am happy right now though, so it will take some time.
  • carnivalnights
    carnivalnights Posts: 114 Member
    As you lose, you need to eat less than you did before. Your body is smaller now, it needs less food. So, yes, you need to decrease as you lose. That's the sucky part of losing weight. Every 5 or 10 lbs, you need to adjust your calories down more.

    Yup! That's definitely the hard part. Haha.
  • carnivalnights
    carnivalnights Posts: 114 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    May I just check that you understand that when you put in 4x60 minute exercise in your MFP settings that is NOT included in the numbers you get

    The MFP number is based on your age, height, weight and activity level (betting you put sedentary) and your goal weight loss per week only

    I imagine your logging has inaccuracies and you're not actually consuming as low as you believe ...because the MFP database is so bad in places and cups and spoons so inaccurate this is easily done unfortunately

    I understand that, yes. I just listed it as one of the things I filled out so people knew what screen I was referring to. And yes, I have a desk job.

    Everyone's logging has inaccuracies, but I try to be as accurate as possible. I know mine cannot possibly be way off considering how much weight I have lost already. As I said, I do use a scale. But I was using cups for liquids, so perhaps one change I can make is to use the scale for liquids too.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I always add USDA after anything I'm searching. "banana raw Usda " Which can be a little more accurate than the other generic entries. If in doubt, just go straight to the USDA website .

    Thanks! I've seen those entries before. I will check out the website as well (and check if the Canadian equivalent has listings too).

    I'm in Australia and use the USDA reference for fresh foods.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,717 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    May I just check that you understand that when you put in 4x60 minute exercise in your MFP settings that is NOT included in the numbers you get

    The MFP number is based on your age, height, weight and activity level (betting you put sedentary) and your goal weight loss per week only

    I imagine your logging has inaccuracies and you're not actually consuming as low as you believe ...because the MFP database is so bad in places and cups and spoons so inaccurate this is easily done unfortunately

    I understand that, yes. I just listed it as one of the things I filled out so people knew what screen I was referring to. And yes, I have a desk job.

    Everyone's logging has inaccuracies, but I try to be as accurate as possible. I know mine cannot possibly be way off considering how much weight I have lost already. As I said, I do use a scale. But I was using cups for liquids, so perhaps one change I can make is to use the scale for liquids too.

    Another thing to check is if there was a typo in your stats when you did the guided setup. I ran one for you (got your age, guessed current weight at 225 and height at 5'2" - shorties need less calories, lose 1 lb a week, sedentary) and got 1490 calories. ANY change in there (unless you're like 4') will give you more calories so that 1200 is definitely off.

    As a carboholic, I'm also curious about your aversion to them. Do you have a medical condition where you need to limit them? I know you lost 60 lbs limiting them to 150 grams but, with the amount of weight you still need to lose, it's really more calories in/calories out. Those 60 lbs lost were more going to be because you were eating 1300 calories and not eating your exercise calories back than because of the 150 grams of carbs. Personally, I've lost over 100 lbs eating at least twice that amount in carbs.

    I won't even go into the eat your friggen exercise calories back if you can still lose weight thing. :p