Setting mini goals for major weight loss!

Hey all! I'm not new to myfitnesspal but I'm recommitting. I have struggled for years with my weight and my major goal is to get healthy. I reached my highest weight 258 in June of this year and was diagnosed with diabetes. I've been working to change that! Currently I'm 233.2 and feeling much better! Looking for some motivation not to fall off the wagon! I'm setting mini goals for myself and would like to be down another 8 lbs by New Years. Looking forward to connecting with people who need a little motivation!


  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Nice job. Great idea Diabetes is nothing to ignore. I do the same small goals each week. Add me if you like.
  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    Great job! I'm trying to set mini goals to to not get discouraged!
  • MrBozz
    MrBozz Posts: 4 Member
    Great way to go! small goals give victories that you will reach. With the motivation from every victory you will succeed and one day end up as a result at your large goal! The small goals will form good habits that you can maintain without living on sheer willpower. Even if a goal is missed along the way don't be discouraged and remember how far you have come not how far you have left. All the best!
  • mooseofmargate
    mooseofmargate Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'd love to make friends, I have just started and have around 48lbs to lose! I am setting myself a 1lb-a-week goal for now. It sounds like you are doing so well already, keep it up and good luck! x