Moving to MFP from WW



  • bcjan562
    bcjan562 Posts: 10 Member
    I cancelled tonight, feels good!
    Left feedback wishing them good luck with their Beta Experience.
  • countrylove12
    countrylove12 Posts: 53 Member
    @bcjan562 ...Did you get the e-mail from the CEO? Before I read it, I almost felt bad, like maybe I should go back there...then I read it! He just says thanks for your patience. Doesn't even offer anyone any type of compensation...I think everyone should have gotten 2 weeks free because of their mess. They offered it to me during a chat...but everyone should have gotten it. Just goes to show they are not in the business of helping people, they just want to make money.
  • Burtie_Burt
    Burtie_Burt Posts: 12 Member
    I am signed up until the end of February, but I've given up on the website in its current form and am trying this instead. Only been properly tracking since Monday, and won't be weighing in until the weekend, but I am enjoying it so far. I will have a look at the new plan when it is launched and will decide what to do going forward then. The website had better improve though or I'm cancelling!!!
  • Pnuttiest
    Pnuttiest Posts: 11 Member
    I have been using WW as needed since I gave birth to my first child in 1997. My last month on WW I also used MFP. I typically reached my max points at the same time that I reached my max calories. It is much easier to find and count calories than mess with an equation or search for points.