Looking for Supportive Friends

I am restarting my weight loss journey and have over 50lbs to lose. I would love to have some motivational friends to support me along the way! I have been trying to be healthier for a while and now I am motivated by recently getting engaged. Not only do I want to look great for the big day, I want to feel great.


  • tckohn
    tckohn Posts: 18 Member
    Hey lady! Congrats on your engagement!! I'm also just getting newly motivated and I'd like to lose about 80 more pounds and I'd love to support your on your way! My main motivation is that I'm going to be having surgery next summer and I'd like to be close to or at my goal weight!
  • bnm1979
    bnm1979 Posts: 52 Member
    Congrats! Feel free to add me!
  • bahrets
    bahrets Posts: 14 Member
    Everyone can add me too!