Lean Cuisines ?



  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    I find the overpriced "diet" boxed meals to be less tasty, yet have the same or more calories than other boxed meals. I don't eat any of them much, but I had one last week that was not marketed as a diet brand, was half the price and had fewer calories than the diet brand (don't remember if it was healthy choice or not) of the same type of food.

    The weight was more on the one I had too, so it was more food, fewer calories at half the price.
  • jenfitnessmama
    jenfitnessmama Posts: 138 Member
    I like them once in a while, but they really don't fill me up.
  • crazyjlyn
    crazyjlyn Posts: 225 Member
    In a pinch they're fine, and the Chicken in Wine Sauce is so delicious!
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    idebasa wrote: »
    So at the risk of sounding like a complete novice--- which I am ... are lean cuisines actually healthy? I have a pretty hectic schedule and I'm always running around. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables, but I sometimes crave pastas and I don't really have time to cook it. Opinions ?

    Define healthy. You are using a very subjective term and each person responding may have a different opinion of "healthy". There is no way to answer without knowing your definition.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Not healthy or unhealthy. Personally they are not enough food for me vs. calorie count. I'd rather eat an entire bag/head of lettuce with veg and cheese than something I can finish in a couple bites.

    This exactly. I prefer to cook in large quantities on the weekend and then freeze. For pasta, I've found as long as I mix it with the sauce before freezing there aren't too many issues with reheating. Definitely works better with al dente cooked pasta though; it can get a little mushy if cooked too much, then frozen and reheated.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I eat them, or Healthy Choice, every day for lunch. Easy, low cal, and usually only 25% of my daily sodium. It's better than going out for lunch all the time.
  • LBL1986
    LBL1986 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm a fan of healthy choice. I think their portions tend to be a bit bigger, especially the ones that come in the bowl. I ate one today for lunch that was Pineapple Chicken and it had like 16g of protein in it.
  • MSH2930
    MSH2930 Posts: 161 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Not really. Not enough food (or vitamins and minerals) for the calories and way too much salt. You'd be much better off (and stay more full) if you made your own food.

    If you like them and you're still getting used to normal portions, they're not a terrible way to begin, though. :)

    This is ow I feel about them. They are okay, too, for something quick or a convenience thing, but I try to have things made ahead of time or plan ahead. But for days when that is not possible, I am not going to beat myself up for resorting to one of these or something similar. Just not part of my regular rotation of foods.
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    When I was 17 I lost about 70lbs with frozen diet meals making up the bulk of my diet. I didn't know any better than and they served their purposed to teach portion control and limit calories. I still eat them now as an adult pretty much for lunch everyday. It's a personal choice and are easy to just grab one and go in the mornings!
  • Bbeliever215
    Bbeliever215 Posts: 234 Member
    I like the lean cuisine pizzas. I think they're tasty
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I eat them, or Healthy Choice, every day for lunch. Easy, low cal, and usually only 25% of my daily sodium. It's better than going out for lunch all the time.

    I do this as well. I consider it harm reduction-because if I haven't had time to cook large quantities on the weekend, it's a lean cuisine or I go to the cafe at work. At least this way I know my calories, etc. I supplement the meal with veggies, maybe a sandwhich thin. I will go for a few weeks like this, and then get sick of them and move on to something else, like mason jar salads.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I usually eat 1-2 weekly when I want to be really good or slightly under caloric goal. My favorite is the Turkey with veggies.
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    I've found them rather high in sodium and not filling. But of course, if the option is to hit the local fast-food place too often, they're certainly a better choice, and they're easy and convenient which is always a plus when you're hungry and want something quickly.
  • UnicornAmanda1
    UnicornAmanda1 Posts: 56 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Perhaps in the beginning it makes sense to have one frozen Lean Cuisine meal a day that you can easily heat up in the microwave.
    Supplement with a green salad or some fruit.
    Soon you will be ready to cook a big batch of pasta on a Saturday, weight it, label it, freeze it, and easily re-heat it during the week.
    Buy some handy dandy containers that stack well in the freezer and fridge.

    Learning to take the time to care for yourself is worth everything. :)

    Sooo well said
  • riceflourde
    riceflourde Posts: 58 Member
    http://www.eatyourbest.com/nutrition/sodium-under-500mg.aspx Here is a list of Smart Ones with under 500 mg of sodium. Some are under 400.