New Way Of Life: Paleo

Scientists say that it takes 40 days for a new habit to kick in, and with that said I've decided to challenge myself on a healthier new way of life. See, diet is such a negative word. Let's get rid of diet and start saying, "new way of life." After all, what are you on this app or online community for?

For forty straight days I want to keep my head high above processed foods, dairy products, etc. and start feeling refreshed everyday. Even with holidays coming up? Yes! This is a true challenge taking things we love, and creating new ways to make our food choices healthier. Let's get through this together, we need unity.

Let me know if you want to be a part of this wonderful #40daysofpaleo challenge.


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    edited November 2015
    Look in GROUPS for a keto group. Some of them hang out there.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    Paleo isn't keto, but some do eat that way intentionally incorporating keto and paleo together. Some just do lower or low carbs.

    There are some paleo/primal groups in the group section of the website.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    There's a paleo/primal group. Paleo is NOT keto. You can do both, but many people who do paleo eat plenty of carbs. Paleo seems to be falling out of favor at my CF gym (won't say box), but those who did it were certainly into sweet potatoes and even regular potatoes and to some degree white rice (yes, a grain). (Personally I don't see any problem with whole grains and consider dairy and legumes quite helpful in creating a healthy diet.)

    Anyway, I don't think "diet" is a negative word. It just refers to any way of eating. And to lose weight one must keep a calorie deficit, however it is achieved. While I did change my lifestyle some, it was less about eating (I think I ate reasonably well before dieting) as about making sure I was active and more mindful in how I ate.
  • meethan
    meethan Posts: 9 Member
    edited November 2015
    I had no idea keto was a thing; looking it up now. Lol And thank you guys for information and suggestions!