Looking for other new moms

Hi. Going to be a first-time mom in 2 weeks. Looking for others who juggle family and getting back in shape. Returning to work early February too.


  • cheryldowney86
    cheryldowney86 Posts: 30 Member
    hello! Just joined MFP today! I just had my daughter 3 weeks ago! I started at 165lbs when i got pregnant, gained 60 lbs and now im down 22 lbs currently sitting at 203! Hoping to get down to 150! We can do this!
  • hailsryan1990
    hailsryan1990 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm also a new mom, my daughter is 7 weeks old, returning to work in March, so far it's been hard to balance household chores,looking after our daughter and looking after myself so I hope i can manage work too come March but I'm starting to feel a little more normal and getting to grips with motherhood now. Looking forward to getting back into shape. Only advice I would give is don't do what I did and beat yourself up and try do everything in the first few weeks, I really wanted to feel normal again straight away and keep on top of everything but with a newborn it's just too hard and mentally and physically I wasn't able, I should of taken a bit more time to rest so if you can make sure you do when your little one arrives
  • Glitterbug_87
    Glitterbug_87 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello ladies.

    I'm also a first time momma, my baby is 9 months now and weight loss has been very hard. Being a mommy is hard. My advice is keep healthy meals in your fridge and once your body feels better then go on walks to keep active. :) also if your breastfeeding make sure you eat properly bc it can mess with your milk supply.