Hello I need help I need to lose over 100lbs and I am serious about losing it.

My name is Tyra I am looking to lose 100 lbs or more I need support and healthy eating tips. I notice when I am stressed and or upset I tend to eat food so much that i am 353 lbs I have lost 50lbs but no more I don't want to be this big anymore and I know how to exercise I just need to stay focus and need real support not the fake kind the real kind.


  • anamind
    anamind Posts: 9 Member
    I am the real kind of support. I am in a very intense cardio and muscle building routine for both health and athletic training (for the Bluecoats Drum and Bugle Corps). I love making friends on here because it keeps me motivated, and I want to make others motivated as well! Add me and we can be training buddies, and remember, even if you're going slow, you're still going faster than all of those on the couch. I sincerely wish you good luck and I hope you add me and message me right away. :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    The best thing you can do is make a plan! Like, what SPECIFICALLY will you do the next time you want to stress eat? Think of things that you find calming. I like knitting, myself. I find prayer helpful. Go for a walk, call a friend who will let you talk it out, or will hug it out with you. Journal, read, take a bath. Anything that you find calming.. Don't feel like you just have to tough it out all the time, put specific strategies in place for when these things come up.
  • tckohn
    tckohn Posts: 18 Member
    Hey! I feel like I'm in a similar spot, I've lost about 90 pounds so far but I'm so tired of everything! I'm working to restart my love of lifting and working out! My goal is to lose about 70-80 more pounds by next summer and would to give and receive support!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    The best thing you can do is make a plan! Like, what SPECIFICALLY will you do the next time you want to stress eat? Think of things that you find calming. I like knitting, myself. I find prayer helpful. Go for a walk, call a friend who will let you talk it out, or will hug it out with you. Journal, read, take a bath. Anything that you find calming.. Don't feel like you just have to tough it out all the time, put specific strategies in place for when these things come up.

    This is good advice. I have lost 95 lbs, and one of the key things was figuring out how to eat in a calorie appropriate way (this wasn't so hard) and how to deal with times when I wanted to eat (usually due to stress or emotional stuff). That was harder, but it got a lot easier once I set some new habits. When I was working on breaking the old habits and setting the new ones I had various plans for dealing with the temptation, like journaling about what was going on and why I wanted to eat. I also worked on other ways to deal more productively with stress and my desire to run from my feelings, and -- just practically -- had low calorie raw vegetables on hand to munch on until I got over the desire to snack all the time.

    What worked for me was basically cutting out snacking and just eating at meal times, but this will differ from person to person.

    As for figuring out how to eat in a calorie appropriate way, that was mostly about eating balanced meals with lots of vegetables and adequate protein (which is how I like to eat anyway) and looking over my diary to see where I was getting excess calories.

    Another important thing for me was not making it all or nothing but treating days when I screwed up some as a learning experience -- I tried to understand what had caused me to deviate from plan or not get my workout in or whatever.
  • Jmgkamp
    Jmgkamp Posts: 278 Member
    Hey!!! You can do this! Sadly, exercise is a bonus - but the real weight loss is going to come from cutting calories, not working out. Don't get me wrong... exercise is good for the mind and body, but without calorie deficit exercise won't do the job.

    Every day is a new one, try to do the best you can and if you have a "bad" day don't let it get you down. Each morning presents a new opportunity to get it right.

    One foot in front of the other. You can do this!!
  • Lots of great advice here to help you with your goals. Find an accountability partner to offer support.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    Jmgkamp wrote: »
    Sadly, exercise is a bonus

    While I agree that changing eating habits makes more of an impact than exercise, you have to figure out how to make mental adjustments that result in better eating habits. You have to find your own triggers. For some, it's eating only at meal times (no snacking). Others go 5 meals and make them smaller. I quoted the above because one trigger for me was going to the gym, because in my head I'm like "If I eat poorly, then I just wasted that time I spent in the gym".

    Logging has helped me a bunch because it's no longer a vague, unknown number of calories I'm ingesting. There is a tangible number I see every meal/day.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Jmgkamp wrote: »
    Sadly, exercise is a bonus

    While I agree that changing eating habits makes more of an impact than exercise, you have to figure out how to make mental adjustments that result in better eating habits. You have to find your own triggers. For some, it's eating only at meal times (no snacking). Others go 5 meals and make them smaller. I quoted the above because one trigger for me was going to the gym, because in my head I'm like "If I eat poorly, then I just wasted that time I spent in the gym".

    Logging has helped me a bunch because it's no longer a vague, unknown number of calories I'm ingesting. There is a tangible number I see every meal/day.

    It depends on the person. I don't lose/maintain at all if I am not getting significant exercise. I lost my first 55 pounds without changing my diet at all. I gained weight during an illness when I could not exercise. Everybody is different.

    I was never much of an emotional/stress eater, but over the years that I have been working on this, I have learned to deal with stress through additional exercise and to do more self/soothing activities which don't involve food. These are generally pretty simple--I might give myself a manicure, take a really relaxing bath or something similar.
  • xmissbehaved23x
    xmissbehaved23x Posts: 4 Member
    First, congrats on taking the first step! Very proud of you! Now you just need to make a plan. I am a stress eater as well, but not as much anymore. I used to binge eat anytime I felt anxious/upset and I still have days where I do, it's rare, but still happens. I had to retrain myself to not turn to food when I'm upset and instead go work out. Working out makes me feel so much better than eating when I'm upset and it gets rid of all that anxious energy. My advice is to start exercising everyday, do intense exercise and on rest days go for a walk. If you can get rid of the stress before it hits you head on then you have less of a chance of binge eating. Something else that helped me was buying an outfit I loved in the size I wanted to be. I hung it on a hanger in my kitchen so when I would walk in there upset I would remember my goal. The first few weeks will be hard, but once you get into a routine nothing can stop you! There are awesome YouTube videos with workouts too btw. I am rooting for you!
  • Run_Away_Turtle
    Run_Away_Turtle Posts: 47 Member
    Hey there! Requested you as a friend. I've lost a bunch already and gave about a 100 to go.
    You got this.
    Anyone who wants an active friend can feel free to request me.
  • Getty59
    Getty59 Posts: 72 Member
    My name is Tyra I am looking to lose 100 lbs or more I need support and healthy eating tips. I notice when I am stressed and or upset I tend to eat food so much that i am 353 lbs I have lost 50lbs but no more I don't want to be this big anymore and I know how to exercise I just need to stay focus and need real support not the fake kind the real kind.

    Tyra I just started over a month ago I weighed 270 punds I am now at 252. I chose a friend to start with me and that was the best idea i had. The best advice I can give is join a rec center and hit the bikes and tredmill cardio cardio cardio. I thought I would hate it but it turns out I look foward to going. My plan was to go 4 days a week next thing I know I am going 6 or 7 lol plus if u focus on cardio and u come close to your calorie goal for the day or over u just go do cardio and burn the extra calories off! Start off walking if u can't run then work up this group is amazing for support and the best thing I have heard on here is u didn't gain the weight overy night and u will not lose it overnight. Great job on the weight loss so far keep it up! If u would like to friend me on here feel free!
  • froyseef
    froyseef Posts: 52 Member
    New to MFP. I lost steadily and re-gained over Thanksgiving, but this time I did not stress about it. Just quietly got back on track and took it all off again. I feel better when I eat right and get to the pool for Aqua exercises. Love reading the blogs and community posts. Awesome information and motivation. Great recipes, too.
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I am in the same boat as you - I am wanting to lose roughly 100 lbs as well. I noticed what help me kickstart getting into the swing of a healthier routine is:

    1. When grocery shopping, don't buy those bad things! If you crave a snack, resorting to an apple, or carrots with dip is a better thing than chips or ice cream. Your body starts to crave the good, rather than the bad.
    2. Small indulgences are fine! If you simply cannot resist, it's all about portion. And don't let it turn back into a habit. If you give in one day, make sure to stay strong the next!
    3. If you aren't used to exercise, don't start out big right away. Ease into it, and work your way up. It can be overwhelming, and you'll more than likely give up if you start too big too quick. (Coming from personal experience..)
    4. If it is too hard, don't go 'cold turkey' on giving things up. Again - it can overwhelm you, and you'll fall back into those bad habits. For example: my weakness is soda. I just plain cannot cut it out, so I have been switching to diet soda, and cutting back. I plan on slowly getting it out of my diet, because that is the only way I can do so.

    Best of luck! If you need friends for support, feel free to add me. :)