Week 1. Diet/accountability

iheartidaho34 Posts: 2 Member
edited November 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Well, I threw up twice working out and ate super clean....rough week, but managed to lose six pounds. I went from eating crap to zero exercise to super clean and moving every day. I do all green raw veggie only smoothies twice a day on top of eating small meals through out day which helped curb hunger. I focused on protein and fat (healthy kind) and meeting dietary recommendations. My goal was to just do any activity that got my heart rate up for at least 60mn a day, and I completed that. I took up a spinning class at the gym-wanted to die, and found a new like for elliptical trainers. A couple of days I chose swimming as it was easier on my body. This week, I am going to maintain my healthy diet and stick to 60mn of vigorous exercise a day. I replaced my coffee creamer with just a cap full of vanilla extract, and replaced surgery goods for frozen berry fruits. I focused on eating a healthy share of protein and good fats throughout the day....at least three of my meals consist of egg, or deer meat, or turkey/chicken. I do avacado when I am looking for a fat fix. Here is my Monster Smoothie (only for the brave) I have twice a day, with nutribullet

1. 1 cup of chopped broccoli
2. 2.5 cups of spinach
3. 1 cup of kale
4. Celery stick
5. two radishes
6. 5 baby carrots
7. I cup chopped cucumber
8. 1/4 cup of frozen peas

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