Many diets have failed for me. Will this really work?

Hi there fellow fitnesspals. My name is Erin. I'm 23 and determined. I am fairly new to the calorie counting world... I have only been doing it for about 2 weeks. I have lost 6lbs already but I'm so afraid that this diet will flop just like all the others I've tried. I will say that this diet plan is different than some of the others I've tried and that helps my skeptisms a bit, but I think I need some encouragment.

Also! I am 5' tall and weigh 144 now. I was thinking that my goal should be 110... is this too far fetched? I weighed that in highschool and how many people remain the same size they where in highschool?! I felt I looked a bit too skinny then too. And I think I'm fighting genetics! Alot of the women in my family, including my mother, have thunder thighs and I'm afraid I'm doomed. Does anyone have any advice?

*A bit more about my diet plan: I do a 1200 calorie daily intake and I am currently doing the P90X "Lean" Challenge... I am not able to finish the entire videos yet, but I can manage to do a sweating 30 minutes a day. (I'm incredibly out of shape). I work a desk job. I HARDLY am allowed to leave my desk so I'm pretty much sitting 8hrs a day 5 days a week. I can't afford to go to the gym, let alone I work so far away from home... that's all my life would be is work, gym, then sleep... and I'm married so that won't work. So I do what I can at home. And I'm saving my pennies for a treadmill and other home gym items....

So I guess my real question is... Am I doing this all right? Is it really going to work? It's working now, but will it stop and I gain again?

I'm so afraid it's all for nothing and I'm terrified of the plateau! (Hoping P90X will prevent that with their switch up style) Please help me!


  • xmeganxtarax
    They key thing to remember is this is not a diet this is a lifestyle change. It will work if you stick to it and if you exercise daily. I think 110 lbs at 5 feet tall is good, but you may be setting you goals too high which is why your "diets" are failing. Set small goals, lose 5 lbs by this date, lose 10 lbs by this date etc. As for the plateau, I always hit that when I have about 3 lbs to my goal, which is really not alot. But to curb that you should try HIIT. Google it for more info. Add me as a friend if you need support, friends are always welcome.
  • erinhughes113
    erinhughes113 Posts: 21 Member
    This is extremely helpful. Thank you. I never thought of it as a lifestyle change rather than a diet. That may help my skeptisms some. I have done some research so far but I was wander if the inrormation I'm finding is really correct. I need to get myself past that. I think that's my own battle I will have to fight but I do appreciate the support. I can always use it so I will add you! I will look up more about how to get past the plateau so when I hit it, I know just how to fight it off. Thanks again!
  • xmeganxtarax
    No problem!! :)
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    They key thing to remember is this is not a diet this is a lifestyle change.

  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Eat healthy at least 80% of the time (you gotta have a little fun), exercise and get plenty of rest, for the rest of your life. It'll all work itself out.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    They key thing to remember is this is not a diet this is a lifestyle change.


    Or as I like to call it...Good Livin'

    OP...yes, it works...if you're willing to make the changes in your life that are necessary to make it work. It's really up to you, MFP is only a tool.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    I agree, it's not a diet! The word "diet" brings up mental images of crazy fad yo-yo diets and practically starving yourself. So not the case with calorie counting. You will find that you can eat healthy and still have the foods that you've always loved (in MODERATION)... you just need to either make room for it in your calories or exercise it off.

    I tried the whole eating healthy foods/eating less thing but I still had no idea what I was putting in my body as far as nutrients go. This website has helped me lose 55lbs and still going, just by recording what I put into my body. I didn't think anything would help me lose weight, and now that I know this works for me, I don't have to be afraid of not being able to lose weight ever again. It's a great feeling. Stick with it, log everyday and you will see results :)
  • c_faulkenburg
    c_faulkenburg Posts: 158 Member
    Agree with the lifestyle change. Also, you may want to purchase a food scale and weigh EVERYTHING. Plan ahead.. If you know you are going to dinner, check out their website ahead of time. Try to make more of your life active.. If you and your husband are hanging out on a weekend, make it a walk instead! I went roller skating for my 36th birthday!! Good luck!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    It's not a matter of whether or not the diet will work. The question is: will you work?

    MFP hasn't been helping me very much, but that's because I find it really hard to stay under my calorie limit, also to be consistent about exercise. I have only myself to blame for that.
  • lizzardsm
    lizzardsm Posts: 271 Member
    If you want a lifestyle change, please don't eat 1200 calories/day. Insanity actually has a pretty solid nutrition guide. Follow that! Or look here:
  • barnzey901
    barnzey901 Posts: 33 Member
    As long as it's not a diet with an expiration date, it has to be a permanent lifestyle change for it to work

    Just stick to your calories, keep burning off calories with P90x and creating a calorie deficit and you'll get steady weight loss, but you have to be PATIENT!

    Also make sure that your calories are 'good calories' and your not just consuming small amounts of bad foods - just because its within your goal doesn't mean its good for you! Eat to fuel your body
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Eat healthy at least 80% of the time (you gotta have a little fun), exercise and get plenty of rest, for the rest of your life. It'll all work itself out.

  • Clemsonlkg
    Clemsonlkg Posts: 66 Member
    Yes it will. Don't give up, and be kind to yourself. Oh, and did I say "Don't give up"? Cause, "Don't." I am 5' tall, 41 years old and started at 196. I have been hanging out at 113-117 for the past several months, so you can do it. :)
  • Fitphobia
    Fitphobia Posts: 12 Member
    Hi - Hope you are successful. Although I signed up for this site a while ago, today is the first day I have been reading and have set the date of July 2nd as my day for a new lifestyle (I thought it would be best to get the holiday weekend over first and give myself time to plan). Keep us posted on your progress :-)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    This is a person who may actually need the 1200 calorie diet. I'll add my 2 cents: find good friends who know what they're talking about on the forums. My friends make all the difference for me some days. It's hard to find excuses when the woman who lost over 100 pounds takes her son out in the jog stroller or the one dealing with the catastrophe gets a video in and meets her calorie goals.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I would be wary of starting out on 1200 calories at your age, as that doesn't leave much room to move if you need to readjust later down the road. Being young, you can usually afford to eat a bit more than that.
  • swampgeek
    swampgeek Posts: 23 Member
    The key is consistency and making the right choices. Megan hit the most important point. It is about changing your lifestyle. You can still diet, participate in programs throughout this. As you hit your weight goals you can start setting different goals for muscle mass or BMI, measurements etc.

    You also have to be really honest with yourself about what you eat and burn. Depending on your type of workout ( running vs pure cardio , etc. ) you could even get a heart rate monitor, fitbit and even apps on your gps enabled smartphone. Check out the Apps above to see what you can link to MFP and it will take some of the guess work out of what you are burning. I manage in the IT / Outsourcing field and spend a lot of time behind a desk or in meetings. I am also married and being away from home too long isn't feasible with the kids and my wife working. I walk / run and swim, no monthly fee's and I find both fun. Find every opportunity you can to motivate yourself by doing things that YOU like.
  • 2kidsandatrip
    2kidsandatrip Posts: 98 Member
    This is a lifestyle change and as you continue on with the program you will see how great it will make you feel. Never allow yourself to get discouraged and always remember to lean on the support of the people here on MFP. We are all here on the same journey. I feel the weight you want to get to may be slightly low for you if you felt you were too skinny when you were previously that size. Just gauge as you go, when you feel comfortable with yourself then you can begin to maintain or really push some strength training for toning. But don't give up, stick with it and you will definitely see a change and not just a temporary one, but one that will stay with you from here on out. Keep up the good work.
  • anvacarz_again
    It's not a matter of whether or not the diet will work. The question is: will you work?

    MFP hasn't been helping me very much, but that's because I find it really hard to stay under my calorie limit, also to be consistent about exercise. I have only myself to blame for that.

    Agree with this.

    Diets or eating healthy even has never failed me before, I failed at them. You have to want it, and more importantly you have to be HONEST with yourself. You'll hit a plateau or gain one week and get upset, but did you REALLY try? Or did you eat like *kitten* for a couple of days during that week? Whenever I get upset about a gain, I look through my diary. Oh, right, I ate Sour Patch Kids 3 days in a row and had chocolate cake and pickles for dinner... Duh.

    Good luck!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I'd agree that MFP isn't really a diet plan, more of a calorie counter.

    - forget about the gym. p90x is going to give you a better calorie burn and resistance work out then what 80% or more of gym goers put in

    - consider running outside. spend the treadmil money on new clothes that you'll soon need or perhaps new cooking utensils.

    - The lowest calorie goal in p90x is 1800. they calculate that the program burns 600 cals a day. at 1200 cals input that means your body only has 600 cals to do everthing else it needs too. You'll drop weight hand over fist but a lot of it will be muscle and then it will slow down. recomend you eat at 1800. i see your not really doing the whole program so maybe just add 300 for now so your eating 1500.

    - it probably seems hella gimickie but i do believe in the post workout drink they push. at the very least i recomend eating some crabs and protein immediately after exercise.