My maintenance calories seem so little?



  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited December 2015
    Verity1111 wrote: »
    Like said in the other thread Digbysmom

    When you lose a half pound a week with eating 1200 a week your maintaining level is NOT 1230 calories a day. ( you said 33 lbs loss in 36 weeks so it is even more than half a pound a week)
    It can not be.

    You will see. When you lost that weight you will see that on 1230 you still will lose weight.

    And for OP just calculate what you lost over the weeks and what you ate.
    put it together and you know what your maintaining level is...aboutish....

    BTW this is without exercise calories!


    .91-.92 lb loss per week x 3500cal in a pound = 3208.33-->
    7 days in a week

    = 458.33--> extra calories per day, available
    1200+458.33--> = a maintenance level of 1658.33--> per day

    Try 1500 to be safe if you want. It is still a lot more than 1230.


    ??? you are posting this to me? ( I can be wrong :) )
    I am not saying my maintenance is 1230 calories

    lol i am in maintenance and still slowly upping my calories i eat a average of 1800 calories

    I just calculated roughly that when you lose so much weekly in 36 weeks ( almost a pound a week) on 1200 calories. That your maintaining level can not be 1230 ( so 30 calories more)
    There is no logic in that. And that OPs calculations have to be off somewhere ( exercise food logging etc you name it.)

    So if you address this post to me, i didn't ask it.
    My weight loss and maintenance is fine. But ty :)

  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    Yeah it sucks my maitenance is about 1400-1500 with no exercise but I exercise and it is 2000-2500 a day.
  • MrsJ1210
    MrsJ1210 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm 4ft 11 and it's given me 1490 to maintain my weight at 7st13. I've only been trying to maintain it for a week so but so far am not finding it too bad, I guess because I was on 1200 before. That I found quite difficult at times I have to admit.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It helps a lot to look at your big calorie soaks and deciding which ones are worth it to you and which aren't. When I was at a little over 1200 (it might have been 1230), I dropped milk, bread, and cheese and got it me most of the way there. Couldn't skip the small serving of ice cream every day. You pick your priorities and take small helpings.