Arthritis sufferers?



  • Soccerdawg71
    Soccerdawg71 Posts: 32 Member
    This week has been horrid! I've had a mild cold virus that turned into a severe arthritis flare-up. I had to have my boyfriend help me get dressed in the morning. My hands and knees were the worst. Just gripping the blanket to try to pull the covers over me was severely painful. Yesterday, my doc put me on Prednisone, and I woke up this morning feeling human again! I may even be able to exercise this weekend. WHAT? crazy. Welcome to those who have joined us.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member

    I hope you continue to feel better and managed to get exercise happening. I could have written that post myself a couple of weeks ago (actually I did write something similar on newsfeed). The vulnerability is frustrating. How unpredictable it is is frustrating. Then you constantly weigh up the fallout of any activity.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member

    Found this group. I think I'd feel more comfortable posting in there.
  • Soccerdawg71
    Soccerdawg71 Posts: 32 Member
    Well, I spoke too soon. Friday I felt great, but Saturday was back to terrible. Then Sunday was somewhere in between. Doc says I've not been on my new meds long enough to know of it's going to work, but I'm not so sure. Can't be like this forever. Ugh.
  • grshaadi
    grshaadi Posts: 30 Member
    Hello everyone.. Sorry to hear about your pain as I am also in pain most of the time due to Arthritis. Mine got so bad that I had to take sick leave from my job. Since I have been on leave I have been researching different options. Being from the Indian background, I looked into Ayurveda which is a 5000 science which has given Yoga to the world. I have learnt that Ayurveda has cures for many diseases. Only in India, a manual was written 5000 years ago on how to live a disease free life. Western medicine only can control diseases but not cure them. You might have heard of Deepak Chopra. He talks about Ayurveda. The west has taken a lot from Ayurveda but not given the credit to Ayurveda or to India. People are learning about turmeric and how it can heal. People of India have used turmeric for centuries. Turmeric is the main ingredient in curry powder. In my desperation I have turned to Ayurveda and am very confidant that I will be able to wipe Arthritis out of my system. I am 63 years old and before now did not take care of my health. I have mentioned some of this in a other post. Eating right and trying to loose weight is important and all of us here on MFP are doing this. I feel for all of you. If any of you guys are interested in learning with me more about Ayurveda please send me a friend request. Yoga has exercises that cure Arthritis.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I made it to gym today. I could curl which is significant because it was an action I have been unable to do for four months or so. Less weight (half) but that's a beginning (again),
  • Soccerdawg71
    Soccerdawg71 Posts: 32 Member
    _SKIM_ wrote: »
    I made it to gym today. I could curl which is significant because it was an action I have been unable to do for four months or so. Less weight (half) but that's a beginning (again),

    Good for you!
  • Soccerdawg71
    Soccerdawg71 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm still very frustrated. My doctor hasn't called me back and I'm self-medicating with Percocet just to get through the day. I'm getting really tired of it. I'm having to take my pills an hour before I get up just so that I can dress myself in the morning.
    On top of that, I found out my rheumatologist is not in my insurance network. Only two rheumatologists in the entire city are, and they're booked for the year. Grrrr.
  • Forever_Country09
    Forever_Country09 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey I know how you feel! I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis when I was 1 and a half. Dealing with all the pain and the fatigue that comes with is a huge challenge. I've always been an active person. I am also very stubborn. When someone says I can't do something or if my body is sore or in a flare up I get really determined to not let it beat me down.
    I have mine mostly under control with A higher dose of Naproxen, fish oils and glucosamine supplements. I have the odd flare up here and there where I feel so sore and have no energy. But I find if I don't move around or exercise it makes it worse. I've also noticed a huge difference when I am regularly active that it bothers me less. Keeps the joints mobile!
    Have you tried fish oils and glucosamine? I find they really do make a difference.
    Any ways, best of luck to you! It is just another challenge to overcome!
  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    I have rheumatoid arthritis in my hands and fingers, osteoarthritis in most joints! I also suffer from a few more conditions. Take anti-inflammatory tablets and Tramadol for the pain. Four of my medication causes weight gain as side effects! o:)
  • Soccerdawg71
    Soccerdawg71 Posts: 32 Member
    I take fish oil daily, but I don't know if it helps. Glucosamine did nothing except give me gas. My rheumatologist gave me a steroid shot yesterday, but it doesn't seem to have helped. Ugh. Had to take a percocet again today, but hanging in there. Fingers crossed the steroid will help soon.
  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    I take fish oil daily, but I don't know if it helps. Glucosamine did nothing except give me gas. My rheumatologist gave me a steroid shot yesterday, but it doesn't seem to have helped. Ugh. Had to take a percocet again today, but hanging in there. Fingers crossed the steroid will help soon.

    I had the steroid shots and they never worked for me either! I am on Meloxicam, Tramadol and Pregabalin. The Pregabalin is for my right hand and arm. The other two are for arthritis! Just waiting to see the results of the blood tests I had done on Wednesday! It's to see if I can tolerate a new tablet for Rheumatoid arthritis! :'(o:)
  • grshaadi
    grshaadi Posts: 30 Member
    I was prescribed Meloxicam by an orthopedic doctor but my rheumatologist stopped it citing it has side effects. She asked me to take Tylenol for arthritis instead. I take Tylenol for arthritis and sometimes take Tramadol if required. I have bad arthritis in my neck, shoulders, back , knees and hands. I do not need to take more than a couple of Tylenols as I take some home remedies that are helping. In the morning I take a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 1/4 teaspoon of pure honey on an empty stomach. I take this an hour before my breakfast. If you get up in the night to go to the bathroom, you can have this at that time so when you wake up you do not need to wait for your breakfast. I also take a very small quantity of lime which comes from limestone. The quantity is the size of a grain of wheat. Lime is a very good source of calcium and helps strengthen bones. It has to be mixed with juice or water and the quantity of the lime should not exceed the size of a grain of wheat. This edible lime is also used to produce TUMS and other antacids. This edible lime can be bought from an East Indian restaurant that sells 'paan' Paan is a mouth freshner and if you are interested, you can ask any Indian restaurant owner for a paan shop. These two remedies along with turmeric are remedies from Ayurveda which I had mentioned in an earlier post. These three things, cinnamon, lime and turmeric have no side effects. Turmeric is the main yellow spice in curry powder and has been used for centuries on India. If you like, you can get turmeric capsules or try incorporating turmeric in your cooking. It can be added to soups and stews. You could have 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric in warm milk with a bit of honey. Turmeric helps to get rid of inflammation and has no side effects. I have made these suggestions to you guys so you can get some relief from pain. These three things are helping me .
    There are two yoga exercises that help with Arthritis. One is 'Anulom vilom' and the other is 'kapalbhati' These two yoga exercises help get rid of Arthritis. You can learn these exercises on YouTube. The gentleman I follow and who has a following of millions in India is Swami Ramdev. You may not understand Hindi but you can see the exercises. Several of the yoga instructors here go to his ashram to learn yoga and then teach it here in Canada and the US.
    You can look up an Indian movie star Shilpa Shetty's video on yoga. She has learnt yoga from Swami Ramdev.
    I have shared with you what I have learnt and believe in. I do not believe in knee or hip replacement or want the side effects of the strong medicines that are prescribed. Good luck everyone. I hope you guys get relief from your pain.

  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    I have osteoporosis I take vitem d, c etc u also take shot every year
  • grshaadi
    grshaadi Posts: 30 Member
    The home remedies mentioned about take a few months to show their effect but the relief definately comes. One has to be patient and keep believing in them. You can meanwhile continue your meds. A time will come when you will not need those meds. Try to do the yoga exercises as well. 'Kapalbhati' helps with weight loss as well.
  • Soccerdawg71
    Soccerdawg71 Posts: 32 Member
    After 10 weeks on Otezla, I finally pulled the plug and went back on Humira and methotrexate. I feel like a new person. I can walk, I can turn doorknobs, I don't feel constantly run down and life can begin again. I'm hoping to get back to the gym this weekend after I get some more work done on a paper. (I'm in my last semester of grad school and am at crazy-crunch time.) Unless your arthritis is very mild, don't bother with Otezla.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    I have degenitive joint disease/osteoarthritis in my knees, and my shoulder. I also have IT syndrome. I have had shots in my knees and 3 surgeries in my left knee alone. They want to break my knee and rebuild it. I would really like to get into a rheumotologist. My son sees one he was diagnosed with A.S. and fibromyalgia at the age of 17. He has been on several medications and is trying a chriopractor right now.
  • karl317
    karl317 Posts: 87 Member
    edited March 2016
    PA DX'd in my 20's, now 46. Been on Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, Simponi and now Stelara. Also did Methotrexate off and on but gave it up because I don't want to someday need an 18" needle stabbed into my liver.

    My hips are pretty wrecked, but I still can walk at a decent pace to the point where i can pull off 5mi per day. I used to be able to jog, but my hips can't take the impact anymore. I have the same "replacement" in my future, but i'm not ready for that either.

    Shoulders are both wrecked too, so upper body impact is a problem.

    My skin gets to around 90% clear on Stelara, which is pretty good. Without treatment, my PASI score is abysmal (68) and i'm a cracking, bloody mess - so Stelara is great in that regard. But Stelara's not as effective on my joints as I would like.

    But hey, for now i'm ambulatory and only have 40-50lb to go.

  • karl317
    karl317 Posts: 87 Member
    Oh yeah, I tried otezla too, but it made me really sick to my stomach, so I gave that up :)
  • Lmckenna18
    Lmckenna18 Posts: 1 Member
    I wish there was a cure for rheumatoid arthritis. Guess I'll have to learn to live with it. Wish it didn't get me so down. It helps to read that others are having similar problems. Thanks