SAHM 6/21---6/27

staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
Hi all! Just getting the thread started for Trish--our amazing leader currently on holiday in NY.

we are an open group of stay at home mom's--at various stages of our getting healthy journey.

we don't do formal weigh in's or challenges but support one another very well.

join in the conversation any time! and you "old timers"--come get chattin'!


  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i haven't been logging my food lately.
    so that will be my goal for the week--to log the food every day.
    doing much better on my water.

    exercise still not happening. just can't find where to put it in the schedule. went to the pool with the kids, but that's not really exercise.
    and sassy--i know you'd do it in bits, but i need to do at least 20min for it to feel worth it/good to me. sooo that's where things are.

    and what are YOU working on this week.
    do you ever read the black team's thread? they're super awesome!
    they're focused on setting goals this week---so that's what got me thinking.

    What are your goals for this week?
    Is there a way we as this FANTABULOUS group can help you get there??
    Let's do this, girls! :flowerforyou:
  • confuseacat
    confuseacat Posts: 137 Member
    I haven't been logging my food very consistently. My goal for next week is to log every day no matter what. Even if I have to do it at
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    Stacey - Yes I bought them off Amazon, mainly because I can't afford to get the whole package and I don't want to fork out all that money for something if I don't want to do it. The current plan is that me and DH will do it, but I mainly wanted it for the exercise anyway. I have a basic overview of the nutrition plan.
    Katie - Is your hubby following the nutrition plan? I was surprised at the lack of vegetables? I think I will adapt it slightly so I can have more veggies.

    My goal this week is just to eat 'clean' food until Saturday which is when we are at a wedding all weekend.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    sorry, totally spaced! back home tomorrow, hooray! Aquarium today with favorite aunt, Ma, and Princess Grace
  • blessdmomof4
    blessdmomof4 Posts: 125
    Hello Ladies,
    It's been quiet around here!

    Stacey- wtg setting goals. I need to do that too. My goal is to work out Mon-Fri this week b/c I was a SLACKER last week. TOM arrived and I used it as an excuse to be lazy. I did OK on cals but didn't track diligently either so my other goal is to log all my calories. Thanks for helping me set them!

    KatieM- Hope you have recovered from your accident. I am such a baby. I totally would have milked that for days lol.

    Princess- Good luck w/ P90X. I've heard it's tough!

    Trish- Glad you are having such a great time! You are doing a great job getting your workouts in! That is when you know you have truly made a lifestyle change...when you even do it on vacation lol!

    I ran 5K yesterday and did it in 31 min and 43 sec. I really want to get it down to 30 min. So far I have shaved off about 7 minutes from my first time about a month ago. Cheer me on girls and any tips from you runners is welcome! I tend to do tempo runs more than intervals, which is better for decreasing time? Today I did the TM w/ weights. I really don't enjoy that but I know it's burning those cals and toning my arms up too so I'll press on. Gotta get these last 9 lbs off!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone! I had a great trip to SLC! Although....I don't know if I could ever get used to the streets! SOOOOOO confusing!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I think I need to tell my hubby that I need to go away more often because 4 lbs just melted off of me this past week!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :noway: I don't really understand it! :ohwell: I at least got to talk to Trish on the phone last week, we were both to tired to catch up. The loss maybe also was from not running because my achilles is still injured? DUNNO!!!

    Melissa- Intervals will increase your speed.

    To everyone else I hope you are enjoying your kiddos and summer!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Thanks to all those that were concerned about my little accident. I am fine now the day it happened I was really hurting and a little dizzy from it all. I have taken it easy on the exercise since then I have went for slow walks. I am going to see if I can get back on the bike today. I am still tender to the touch but not when I walk or bend my knee.

    For all those that have set goals you can do it! Just put your mind to it and you can get it done!

    Princess~No my hubby is not doing the nutrition plan that comes with it. He did get some recovery drink that they talk about but he didn't get it through beachbody he went to a local store and got it. He completely recommends the drink because he tried it w/o it for about the first week to week and a half and he was VERY sore! With the drink he is not as sore as he was w/o it. He was been tracking what he eats on here and he has it where he tracks (on top of the calories) carbs, sodium and potassium. But he really doesn't worry too much about the carbs he worries more about keeping him sodium down and trying to get enough potassium. Potassium is suppose to help with water weight which he was having troubles with when he first started. hth

    Nicole~:laugh: you really think it is that hard to navigate SLC? Maybe it has something to do with being born and raised here but it is eazy cheezy! :laugh: I am not sure if anyone has ever told you how it all works but the SLC temple is the middle and it goes out from there so let's say 400 S 600 E that would be 4 blocks south and 6 blocks east of the temple. My parents live approx 3600 W 5400 S so that would be 36 blocks west and 54 blocks south of the temple. It was set up on a grid. Anyways I think anywhere can get confusing if you are not use to it. We (hubby and children) used to live in Cali about 5 1/2 yrs ago and talk about confusing. We joked that they just let a pig run wild and that is where they setup the streets. :laugh: By the way way to go on the four pounds!

    Whoops forgot to post my goals. I am wanting to get to my 30 miles on the bike this week, if all works out with the knee, I would also like to see if I can pass my 14 mile bike ride. That is the most I have ever rode at one time. Get enough water.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Grace loved the aquarium. They had a pool where you could pet the manta rays. They were VERY friendly and came right up to us. Grace freaked out every time I tried to get her to touch one. I think it was half fear, half "this is awesome". It was really funny.

    Ma made the suggestion that we stay in SLC tomorrow night instead of going home, then take Andy to work Thursday morning so we can go to Logan right after. I'm kinda over traveling and just want to go home, but suppose I can humor her another day.

    Going to a diner for dinner tonight with aunt & uncle. I hope I can find something healthy there.

    Goal this week: 15 miles on foot (already got 5 done).

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    must chuckle--nicole.
    my mom cdn't get the # system either. and yet, chgo is on a grid too. but more confusing b/c each street has a name and grid # and ppl learn both.
    like fullerton ave is 2400 North so zippitydoodah is 2650 and x blocks south....... NEVER could understand it!
    plus ppl would say the Lake is East. well, chgo has TALL bldgs everywhere and you can't SEE the lake!! so what good was that advice?!
    at least in SLC, the mtns are EAST and you can ALWAYS see them.
    sniffle, sniffle...i miss home....

    congrats on the wt loss!

    time to finish rdg....
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    good work trish! you are doing awesome--with your attitude too! when you and grace are up to a trip again, come to Vegas to the shark reef. also a touch pool and you walk under a tunnel of sharks and see glowing moon jellyfish.
    one of our FAVE outings.

    have a safe trip home.

    ++katiem, glad you are recovering well. don't overdo it.

    melissa--that's SUPER on shaving time off your running you are doing so well with pushing yourself.

    i logged most of my food---nice boatload of cals today.
    i know when i stress eat.....

    we visited a public and a private school today to figure out where to send our girl. yes, the money's a factor. it's more that i/we just don't know what THE "right" thing to do is anymore. we've had such a rough year and then being burned by this school to be....i just don't know which way to turn, how to really do our best by her.
    still some talking, and thinking
    ....and should probably add praying....
    thanks for continuing to listen to me sort it out.

    off to bed--goal tomorrow
    log food
    drink 50 oz water
    walk in AM b4 dh goes to work.

    take boy to pool? or splash park at least
    read, read, read to the kids

    gn chicas!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Hi there. I'm a proud SAHM too. Stepdaughter Haley and Son Jonah. I also go to school online. Um, it's nice to meet you all :)

    Joined MFP about 10 days ago. Loving it! The greatest collection of weight loss/maintenance tools out there.

    I count my 3 days a week at the pool with the kids as swimming. About half the time we are there, Haley rides on my back while I swim across the pool just underwater. It really is a workout, and the tools say leisurely swimming burns some 800+ calories in 1.5 hours. I play it conservative and input 1.5 hours when we spend 4 hours at the pool.

    K, see you ladies later :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome mamadaisy!
    this is a great site and a wonderful group of women!

    off to get rdy for the day. will chk back later!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i did it, girls!!
    i walked 20min and jogged for 5min straight! and i've been logging my food.

    off to get the kids from school.....
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome mamadaisy!

    Stacey~Way to go! It is hard to log food and exercise when life is hectic.

    I went for a bike ride yesterday and today. I didn't push myself. My knee didn't bother me at all during either time. My thighs were on fire though but that is a good thing. I kicked butt in the laundry department today. I decided that I wanted to get caught up on it so I made some make shift clothes lines in the back yard and hung over half of what I washed. I started early and went up until about 4:30 and got 12 loads done! If I have another day like today I will be able to get all of the laundry done tomorrow. So that is my goal for tomorrow.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    just one of those quick articles to boost our spirits
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Thanks ladies!
    Katie ~ That's so much laundry. I could see a workout in hanging that much wet clothes from a line, and then taking 'em down too. I have 3 baskets to fold right now, you may have just motivated me :)

    Stacey ~ Thanks for the inspirational link. I always forget to take care of myself. Things are a changing though. I still am reluctant to try jogging, I'm a little 'big' up top and really might get black eyes! lol

    Did take the dog for two walks today, totalling 50 minutes. First time pushing the stroller and waiting for the big girl that still refuses to work out with me, but insists I not skip a day. Thank her for that or I would have been over on my calories today :)

    Have a wonderful night and an energized morning ~
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I am glad I make you laugh Katie and Stacey! Welcome mamadaisy! I too always forget to give myself my own personal space. it is REALLY important to have!

    IT's been a busy day today, I can't believe it's 4pm already! I will check back later! I am going to try to run 3 miles tonight and see how the achilles feels. I will let yo uknow how it goes!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Thank you Stacey for the link! It was a nice reminder. :)

    MamaDaisy~Yes it was quite a workout in hanging all those wet clothes! I was so tired by the time 3 pm came around I just wanted to go to sleep but I couldn't....yesterday was my hubby and my 10 yr anniversary. He took me out to dinner to celebrate. I am almost finished with all the laundry. Been working on it today as well. It isn't like yesterday were I whooped some butt on it but hey not every day can be like that right? If I motivated you than great.

    I woke up this morning and felt like CRAP! I had a bunch of mucus in the sinus'. So I made a smoothie with the C-Boost that Trish was talking about. Talk about a boost of vitamin C. About an hour after drinking the stuff I was feeling a lot better I think that I am going to make another one tomorrow to help it along that much more. I highly recommend it for any one who is not feeling so well. Well off to do so more of these days I won't have to do so much laundry. What will I do then? I think I might be lost for the first little while. :D
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    glad you liked the article. i go to lots of sites for those tidbits every day.

    katie--how old are your kids? any of them ready to take on some of the laundry tasks? happy anniversary, btw!

    y'know how cinderella had to scrub the floors, do the bidding, cook the food and then married her prince? we all got it backwards!--married the prince and then got to scrubbing, and cooking, and serving.....hmmmmm

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Katie, glad the Immunity Monster helped you feel better. Hit it with some zicam, too, and it'll knock that sucker out of the park.

    It is quarter of 6 here... I just woke up from a nap. What the heck was hubby thinking putting up new black out curtains?! LOL