Any disabled people doing my fitness pal.

Hi my name is Allison and I just started the program. I am currently in a wheelchair since april 2015 due to a spinal cord stroke. I'm 51 years old and looking to meet other disable people who also are on a journey to lose weight


  • greeneyedlady9241956
    Hi Allison, my name is Ann. Just noticed your post, I'm disabled but not too your degree. I'm a 59 y/o retired LPN. I have back problems along with a lot of weight to lose. Nice to meet you out there in CyberLand! Lol!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,724 Member
    I am only slightly disabled after getting Guillain Barre Syndrome in 2011. That's an autoimmune disease where you kill your own nerve cells while fighting off an infection. I have balance issues as a result of nerve damage in my lower legs and feet and walk with a cane. Have been previously completely bed bound as well as wheelchair bound.
  • allip64
    allip64 Posts: 4 Member
    Nice to meet you ann
  • allip64
    allip64 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow that's great no wheelchair. I can understand the nerve pain you must feel in your legs.
  • allip64
    allip64 Posts: 4 Member
    charmmeth wrote: »

    Thanks very encouraging. She looks great
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    T10 level Spina Bifida here!
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone, I am disabled, part wheelchair part walking with sticks. Sometimes I'm bed bound for days on end like at the moment. I'm always looking for friends with physical limitations and challenges, who understand pain and fatigue, and inability to exercise
    I'm eating at 1440cals and doing little walks when I can. I'm aiming to start up my seated yoga when I get out of this flare. I tried light weights but it put me in bed for a week with the lightest dumbells lol
    Add me if you want a chat / support etc :)
  • chrissymfred
    chrissymfred Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! I am disabled too, and there are times I can't do much of anything. I have psoriatic disease and have spent years working on getting better.
    Star, I hear you about the weights putting you in bed for a week. It can be so frustrating! I have to be careful not to push too hard physically or it really sets me back, even causing a flare. Currently I am exhausted because I was feeling good and took a sorta long for me walk...a week ago!
    So I am focused on diet, eating to feel better. Tomorrow I am going to try tai chi, hopefully it will help me feel better.
    Please add me for support! Been sick for over twenty years now, I understand!
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    Lol Chrissy, we sent friend request to each other at the same time!
    Good luck with the tai chi. I think the weights are a no for me right now. I'm going to focus on walking when I can and some seated yoga. Let me know how you get on
    I'm hearing you about the flares, it seems like anything I do no matter how small sets me off again! Hey we'll get there though
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    Hi all! I don't have an extended disability but I will tell you I admire all of you here working through a disability. I am recovering from a broken foot so I can understand the limitations. I became very frustrated and feeling sorry for myself and then I started following others that were amputees or having spinal bifida still motivated and encouraged to remain healthy. I did, and still, do alot of modifications since I can't be on my feet long. I'm embracing my nutrition to manage my liver health...
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    I could use new friends!
  • BoyHaunt
    BoyHaunt Posts: 3 Member
    MS and chronic pancreatitus here, I have good days and bad days. Today the back spasms and right arm just won't quit. I was diagnosed with MS in January of 2015. I am 5' 4" and was 260 pounds. Currently I am 230 and am trying to get the weight off hoping that it will help with the MS. It definitely can't hurt, right?

    Within 6 month of my diagnoses I was in a wheelchair, devestated. At 35 years old I'd lost my dependence and was slowly losing my will to live. I had pity party after pity party, but no one around me baked me a single cake, no one in my support system, which is awesome by the way, gave in one iota. I eventually picked myself up by my boot laces and took my life back, I've been in the hospital atleast once a month for the past year with this stupid pancreas, and it's currently not allowing me to eat anything... protein shakes are my friend at the moment, as well as a bunch of water... my Owner, yes that's right, not a typo... requires accountability in all things, especially my health, which is precarious at best.

    I'm walking again, I have a foot brace and use a cane, but I'm no longer in a wheel chair, and my independence is back... disabilities suck, but they don't have to define you... I look forward to getting to know more of you, inspiring you and being inspired by you...
  • jusbar71
    jusbar71 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi, I am Justine, just turned 45, I have severe osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia, I had a patella femoral replacement in 2008 but with very limited success. I use a stick and a wheelchair to go any distance, I don't leave home alone and I don't like being around people I don't know. I am trying to lose approx 70lbs, (I have lost 12lbs since 28th Dec), but through diet and very little exercise. I would like to make new friends with people in a similar situation. Please feel free to add me. Justine
  • srv524
    srv524 Posts: 1,363 Member
    @atamrowski I second that. I commend you all for looking to work through your disabilities and not using them as excuses. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to improve yourself but even moreso with a disability. Good luck to you all!
  • OzarkLady76
    OzarkLady76 Posts: 84 Member
    Yes, I have dysautonomia, heart disease, gastroparesis, and fibromyalgia. I use a wheelchair if I'm going to have to stand for long because I faint thanks to dysautonomia. Please feel free to add me. I'm having a hard time making myself do the home physical therapy & hope to connect with others.
  • tabbykitten2015
    tabbykitten2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. I've been using mfp for some time but this is the first time I felt brave enough to click on the community button. I'm disabled, I have severe Ehlers Danlos Syndrome ( it's a connective tissue disease) unfortunately a lot of people with joint hypermobility I've been missed diagnosed with it EDS killed my mum and it's changed me from someone are used to run marathons for charity to a wheelchair bound housebound fat mad cat lady. Just to add to my difficulties, in February 2013 I got ME. My world now changes from a good day where I enjoy a semi normal life to a bad day where I have to lay in bed wearing an eye mask and ear defenders. Since being wheelchair-bound my weight has gone up. I've gone from a size 8 to size 20 I'm now back down to a 16 but I've got a really long way to go. I have recently given up added sugar and processed foods, about six months before it hit the headlines, it's made a massive difference. I was due to have some intestines and bowel removed but thanks to a sugar free diet this operation is there longer needed.I let my diet go to pot over Christmas and I'm finding it really difficult to get back on the wagon. I admire you all for fighting your own battles.

    Amanda X
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