How do you enter exercise

I can't seem to enter my exercise. I did some bodyweight and free weights today. I selected strength training, the program brought up the box asking how long, I entered that, now what? There is no buttons to enter it, save it or anything.


  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    For my tablet and RAZR, there is a check mark on the top right corner of the app when entering the info. That's how I'm able to log after I enter reps, weight etc.
  • heatherland2
    heatherland2 Posts: 4 Member
    Well, strength training or circuit training are not on the list on my iPhone like it is on the laptop. I really don't want to enter each individual exercise. I feel like the general circuit training or strength training entry would be fine. I appreciate your taking the time to help me out.
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    I'd say you're right. No worries :)

    Good luck!