why did you gain the weight?

I was working too many hours, came home, didn't take time to prepare healthy meals. I ate fast food a lot.
I was trying to control stuff like family that I could not let go of and got agitated and ate.
I was taking care of hubby and family and forgot about me.
I was eating instead of problem solving
I was eating and not confronting people.
I had to work out issues at work with a bully and ate rather than deal with her (now I have, thank goodness)

I basically put myself on the backburner and did not care enough about me to take the time to care for me and finally got miserable two years ago and disrespected and I thought I hate all these people, hated myself for putting up with stuff and thought well I can learn to like me again, lost weight,started standing up for myself and it feels good. Let go of stuff I could not control and worked on me. I quit working all those hours, went to the gym, asked for help and someone there told me about MFP, definitely been a good thing for me! My first goal was 165, 2nd goal 158, setting a new one today 155. I weighed 208 in the beginning.


  • carlytenney
    carlytenney Posts: 31 Member
    I have always had to watch my weight. I did a good job. Then life and kids got in the way. Always ate healthy but my portions were out there. I was never aware of exactly what a proper portion was.
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    A series of unfortunate choices? Lol!

    It started out that I went from 114lbs at 5ft6in to 164 in just a few months after getting on the Depo-Provera shot (12 yrs ago). I was so upset and ate all the time from cravings (seriously felt starving all the time), being newly marriage and eating what hubby did, and being lonely and depressed in a new state with NO family or friends at all. I complained to the doctor but they said B/C does not make you gain weight and I didn't stand up for myself so it went on for almost a year. I went from a size 1-3 to a size 13 and kept gaining weight.

    A few months after getting off the shot, I lost 40 lbs. then I hovered around 150 for a long time mostly because I had developed bad habits that I didn't have prior to that. I did get down to 130 a couple years ago but it was because of loss of appetite and not healthy. Now I'm steadily losing and starting to feel like myself eating-wise again. It's a slow process, but I'm okay with that. After 12 years, I think I can handle a few months of taking it slow lol.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I thought I could eat all the fish,fruits and vegetables I wanted and not gain weight. All the calories added up and I gained weight. Counting calories has worked for me.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Four words:


    Simple. Period.
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    Good job and choosing to live life and make yourself happy.

    I was a skinny little rail when I was in my teens. I got married and pregnant at 19 and kept the same mentality that I can eat whatever I wanted. I gained 70lbs with that pregnancy. A couple years later I lost most of that weight but got into eating out and drinking beer with my friends on weekends since I was finally of drinking age. My husband is in the military and deployed alot. Instead of taking time to cook healthy meals we would eat out when he was gone. I work full time so I was tired and lazy when I got home. I would eat late at night when I couldn't sleep since I didn't have my husband home and missed him. I decided I was going to lose some weight and got pregnant before he left for Afghanistan. I was determined not to let myself go this time around. It was June/July and hot out but I would walk and go for bike rides and really push myself hard. I lost that baby at 10 weeks along. I blame myself for not taking it easy. My husband was in a war zone and not home to comfort me. I had to have a D&C procedure and it was the most terrifying thing ever. I had other family and friends but I wanted my husband. I ate a lot of crap and cried alot when he was gone. I got pregnant again when he came home and decided I was going to be lazy so I didn't push myself too hard. I gained about 50lbs with that pregnancy. My husband left when she was only 2 weeks old and was still in the NICU from being born 6 weeks early. It was tough but I managed to lose some weight but just not enough. It was so hard. I went back working full time. I had an 8 year old and a newborn and didn't have the support and help from my husband to cook nice meals- I hate deployments. I am so lucky that my oldest is an amazing helper with chores and with her baby sister. I have been struggling with this last 30 or so pounds that I really want to be and that is when I found MFP again.

    Thanks for anyone listening to my sob story. I don't think I have ever really looked back at my issues and why I ate so much. Even typing this I got emotional about the pregnancy that I lost. But if that never happened I wouldn't have my amazing 19 month old baby girl. Everything happens for a reason. It just took me a long time to learn that.
  • _michellle
    _michellle Posts: 15 Member
    After living with my boyfriend at his parents for a year, we moved into our own place. He eats like crap. Seriously, the guy has never had a strawberry or raspberry (ALL OF THAT) in his life. He refuses to try it. Won't eat lettuce.. You get it. I ate what he ate, it was easier to prepare one meal than two. Gained 30lbs in a year. I was doing great in February and lost 10 pounds in a month. Then I turned 21 and ate crappy again. So here goes round two and I have no more excuses! :)
  • tlmcint
    tlmcint Posts: 74 Member
    Motherhood, lazy eating habits, and love. Or rather losing love, I gained 15 pounds in one month when depressed and just continued to gain until I hit 226.

    I'm 5'7" and I still don't know exactly what I "should" weigh, but my long term goal is 160, and I'm down to 196. Once I hit the 160, I'll reevaluate and see what to aim for. Just need to find a more long term motivation. Right now I am motivated by my oldest sons wedding in August. After that I need something else.

    love hurts. ouchies....
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I was thin all the way up to a couple years ago, eating as I liked, in the amounts I liked, with no exercise. For whatever reason something changed and I was no longer able to do that. Maybe getting older and having three kids 22 months a part from the last one had something to do with it, who knows lol. But, I didn't change my diet in any way to gain the weight, my body just changed how it processed what I was eating.

    Now that I've lost the weight, I've found that I can eat higher amounts of calories again and maintain (usually over 2,000 a day), but I also exercise now for the first time in my life. That, along with 8:16 IF has gotten me back on track to where I used to be :)
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    I gained weight for several reasons and most of it had to do with the fact that I never truly knew what it was to eat healthy. I lived with my father and my brother and they obviously ate whatever they wanted and never gained a pound, I had a constant diet of burgers,pasta, bread, anything with cheese, not to mention we didn't have a working stove so anything microwavable. I didn't have a ton of friends so almost no reason to leave my house other than school. I was really depressed and had social anxiety so it was hard for me to ever want to join in on things especially any physical activity that showed just how out of shape I was.Several times I just stopped eating or was just eating enough to stay alive basically and I lost weight but always gained it back. Still now depression takes over and makes me over eat or I'll just say fck it I'm gonna have what I want, it's a constant battle of not only weight loss but self esteem bc for me they go hand in hand.
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member

    After NO changes in eating or exercise habits, I have put on 40 pounds in 5 years since being put on b/c pills for the horrendous, debilitating symptoms of the oh-so-wonderful "change of life." And before you say it, when I quit taking them, the migraines, blackouts, vomiting, and periods lasting 3 weeks returned, so . . . I guess I am stuck being fat for now until the hormones settle.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Ate too much, drank WAY too much, and didn't exercise enough.
  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    Quit smoking and started eating. A lot.
  • queenstl
    queenstl Posts: 64 Member
    I gained weight after having my youngest child, my daughter who will be 4 next month. I have been working out since I was in my early 20's, which started after I got off birth control which kept me 20 pounds heavier, but lost that when I stopped taking it. I had kept the weight off for years, even after having my first three kids, I would bounce back without a problem. I became a vegetarian and even lost more weight. Then I got preggo with my fouth child and after I had her, I still worked out, but not as much, and went back to school . Not having the time that I wanted to work out due to being to tired from school and working, i started putting on weight. I can now say, that I'm getting back to my pre pregnancy weight from 4 years ago, I can put on clothes that I bought right before I got pregnant. I know that when I exercise consistently, I keep the weight off and feel better about the way I look. I don't eat bad all the time, but I do have my days, but I'm human. I just try to eat good more days then I don't and work out.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    Two accidents (no my fault) in two years time. The second one at 8 1/2 months pregnant really did a number on my back and I was subsequently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Prior to that, my husband and I used to dance ballroom, swing etc. After the accidents and losing my ability to dance took away a part of me, the expressive part of me. I have determined that even through the pain, I will work to get back there. It is hard. Very, very hard. But not impossible.
  • crazycurls2013
    crazycurls2013 Posts: 4 Member
    Hum...always been a plus siza caribbean mama!
    I was at my heaviest after marriage, we ate a LOT out, then graduate school and working it was crazy!
    Ironically, I began my weight loss when I got pregnant with twins AND my husband at the time got diagnose with Type 2 diabetis. So, I was controling what I was eating cause I didnt want complications, and following his diet.
    So that kickstart the loss...then divorce... so lost some more. I joke around that I'am at my best weight when Im miserable! ha ha ha ha
    And there is true to that - come from a culture we celebrate everythign with food.
    Luckily I havent gain all that weight back, but I have a lot more to loose.

    One thing that makes me feel great and motivates me no matter my size: sugar, cholesterol (good and bad) and eating habit are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than other people I admire thier body types. I want to keep that and improve in other areas.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I stopped exercising regularly but continued to eat as if I were.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Eating more than my body needed far more often than eating less than my body needed.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    After NO changes in eating or exercise habits, I have put on 40 pounds in 5 years since being put on b/c pills for the horrendous, debilitating symptoms of the oh-so-wonderful "change of life." And before you say it, when I quit taking them, the migraines, blackouts, vomiting, and periods lasting 3 weeks returned, so . . . I guess I am stuck being fat for now until the hormones settle.

    Has your doctor discussed NovaSure with you?
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    6 pregnancies in 10 years - I figured why bother trying to lose weight in between kids when I knew I was just going to put it back on again! Right? Well, now I'm 25 lbs overweight and trying to get back the body I had when we got married.
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member

    After NO changes in eating or exercise habits, I have put on 40 pounds in 5 years since being put on b/c pills for the horrendous, debilitating symptoms of the oh-so-wonderful "change of life." And before you say it, when I quit taking them, the migraines, blackouts, vomiting, and periods lasting 3 weeks returned, so . . . I guess I am stuck being fat for now until the hormones settle.

    Has your doctor discussed NovaSure with you?

    I had a tubal 18 years ago plus a D&C while checking for endometriosis, so the b/c is NOT for b/c purposes. What I'm on is supposed to be the lowest-dose treatment available to deal with the symptoms of perimenopause. They don't want to do any HRT because of a history of breast cancer.