
Been bingeing pretty bad for the last 3 days. Stepped on the scale this morning and was 6 pounds heavier. Is it possible that I've gained 6 pounds in 3 days?
I think I have things under control today.


  • tbilly20
    tbilly20 Posts: 154 Member
    This is probably food and water weight. It is unlikely that you ate 7000 calories more than your maintenance for 3 days in a row. Find out why you are over eating first. Is your calorie goal too low? Are you starving yourself at the wrong times of day? Perhaps a simple shift can make the difference. Your recent indiscretions will "pass", if you pardon a pun. All you need to do is listen to what your body and mind are trying to tell you and move forward!
  • miaelissa
    miaelissa Posts: 30 Member
    I ate a whole apple pie, half a gallon of ice cream, a box of Girl Scout candy, half a can of chocolate covered almonds, mcdonalds, taco salad, and french fries in last 3 days.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Only you know what you've eaten and how far you've gone with the bingeing. What is one person's binge may be another's bit of overeating. But it's more than likely that most of that gain is water weight. To gain 2 pounds in one day would take eating 7000 calories plus what your TDEE is.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    miaelissa wrote: »
    I ate a whole apple pie, half a gallon of ice cream, a box of Girl Scout candy, half a can of chocolate covered almonds, mcdonalds, taco salad, and french fries in last 3 days.

    So work out the calories. Use the food database here.