Done with babies...Time for Mama

I am a 33 year old mother of four. I have always struggled with my weight. Between babies 2 and 3 I got into fitness. I was exercising regularly and lost 30 pounds. Then I had two more pregnancies, gained it all back plus some. I have found it especially difficult this time to get motivated. Last time I was losing weight to have a better pregnancy. Now we are done with our baby having days. I find that doing it for myself is a bit harder. Finally getting back into it though. I have close to 100 pounds to lose all together. I am tired of what I see in the mirror. Plus we are taking our kids to Disney and Universal Studios next year to celebrate our wedding anniversary. I am trying to lose the first 50 by the time we go. That would put me at the weight I was when we got married. It is doubly hard because the workouts I enjoyed last time I lost weight are now very difficult to do because of my extra poundage. It is taking a lot of reminders to be patient, that I will get back to where I used to be, and it is all going to be okay. At the moment there is a lot of crying and feeling like a failure. I hate not being able to do the things I used to think were easy. But I have to start somewhere. Any advice or prayers are welcome.


  • stadler5clio
    stadler5clio Posts: 10 Member
    I can so relate, I still have baby weight 11 years later. I work full time, raise 2 kids, 2 dogs and love good food. I'm with you, have 50 lb to lose by June. Good luck!
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    edited December 2015
    i still have baby weight and my youngest is 20!!! lol I have 40 pounds to lose. It is definitely a journey and sometimes it is hard. I feel your pain. Just do what you can do. Start off walking a little, add more as you see fit. This is not a race and you are only in competition with yourself. One of my MFP friends said that "what you find hard now will soon be a warm up". So take it slow, burn more than you take in and remember it is a lifestyle change and not a diet. Good luck, feel free to add me!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I am done having babies as well - I had 3 babies in 3 years. I am now putting myself in my priority list and my children are benefiting as I have extra energy to run around with them and play soccer, football, etc.
  • nise82
    nise82 Posts: 35 Member
    I am a mother of 4 32 and done! Lol it's time for me as well! I need to lose 50
  • kmh1226
    kmh1226 Posts: 2 Member
    I understand how you feel! I tried for two years after having my third baby to lose the weight. I had back to back pregnancies with my 2nd and 3rd and when it was all said and done I was 83 lbs heavier than when I had started. This July I was only down 40lbs from my pregnancy weight of 281. At 241lbs and only 5"1 I looked and felt terrible and finally found my motivation. I want to feel good about myself again. Today I weigh 188lbs! Only 7lbs more til I have lost 100 since my heaviest weight. My goal is 140lbs so I still have a ways to go but have decided I am worth it. I only drink water now and a lot of it and a cup of skim milk each day. I switched to using lean turkey instead of beef for most recipes, I make sure to eat 5 servings of veggies a day and 3 servings of fruit. I never eat after 7pm and I avoid high carb foods like bread and pasta. I take my kids for a 2 mile walk each day and then take another 2 mile walk after they are in bed. I dance as much as I can (while cooking, while playing with the kids) and I lift hand weights and do lunges around my house. During commercials I jog in place and every morning I run up and down my basement stairs 10 times before waking my kids up. I believe in you and I know that if you want to do it you can and will! Believe in yourself and never give up!
  • Melanie79SO
    Melanie79SO Posts: 63 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. I'm a mom of five and my youngest two (twins) are 3. A few months ago I decided it was time to start losing the weight and get healthier. Feel free to add me. Best of luck!!!