How to lose weight after c section???

Hi guys I had a c s section in May. It's almost six month now and I haven't exercised one bit mainly due to paranoia inspire of the doc telling me I could do minimal exercises . I have put on weight like crazy post delivery.i gave myself an ultimatum today!!! Could you please share ur success stories? Tips and tricks?? Anything that could help me go up and about?? Please help me ! I am in a very bad place.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    The method post- c-section is the same as the method before c-section. Eat fewer calories than you burn. You can do this by eating less, exercising more, or doing a combo of the two.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    muhsina89 wrote: »
    Hi guys I had a c s section in May. It's almost six month now and I haven't exercised one bit mainly due to paranoia inspire of the doc telling me I could do minimal exercises . I have put on weight like crazy post delivery.i gave myself an ultimatum today!!! Could you please share ur success stories? Tips and tricks?? Anything that could help me go up and about?? Please help me ! I am in a very bad place.

    I had a C-section (granted, it was in 1996). I was cleared for all normal activity 8 weeks post surgery. Why did your doc put you on minimal exercise?

  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Six months after you should be back to normal. So unless you've had any complications from the c section it shouldn't be a problem. Just take it easy and steadily build up your exercise as you go. Good luck.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    You don't need to exercise to lose weight. Make sure you're sticking to your calories and you'll be fine.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Same game plan as before C-section.

    Game plan to lose weight is eat fewer calories that you burn in a day.

    Exercise is icing on cake.

    I have had three C-sections. Not much has changed. I started lifting about 10-12 weeks after surgery. Started running before that.

  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Eating at a deficit.

  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    muhsina89 wrote: »
    Hi guys I had a c s section in May. It's almost six month now and I haven't exercised one bit mainly due to paranoia inspire of the doc telling me I could do minimal exercises . I have put on weight like crazy post delivery.i gave myself an ultimatum today!!! Could you please share ur success stories? Tips and tricks?? Anything that could help me go up and about?? Please help me ! I am in a very bad place.

    A c section doesn't make losing baby weight anymore difficult. At 6 months post partum you should physically be able to exercise. I had a csection with my first and didn't exercise, what other posters said is right, it's all about less calories than u burn. Also is you are breastfeeding make sure to add in those calories.

  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    edited December 2015
    I had a c-section last October. I did not want to work out because I was too busy staying up 24/7 taking care of my son. He started sleeping through the night at 4 months and for my birthday this past summer I bought a Fitbit. At 6 months you should most certainly be able to exercise. We have little incisions compared to the old way and they heal rather quickly, about six weeks.

    If your little one isn't sleeping through the night yet then I would not stress it. If she or he is, then I don't see why you can't. I work out when my son is napping.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    muhsina89 wrote: »
    Hi guys I had a c s section in May. It's almost six month now and I haven't exercised one bit mainly due to paranoia inspire of the doc telling me I could do minimal exercises . I have put on weight like crazy post delivery.i gave myself an ultimatum today!!! Could you please share ur success stories? Tips and tricks?? Anything that could help me go up and about?? Please help me ! I am in a very bad place.

    For 6 weeks ...LOL

    Eat at a calorie defecit

    Move more

  • Brandi1168
    Brandi1168 Posts: 105 Member
    I also had a c-section in May. I was cleared for exercise at around 8-10 weeks postpartum. My doctor advised that I start slowly and listen to my body. I just recently started exercising (I kept putting it off) and so far haven't had any issues. Good luck! :smile:
  • muhsina89
    muhsina89 Posts: 24 Member
    Could you please share your exercise/diet routine please. In general an idea of how u wud start your day would be good.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    I do Leslie Sansone walking workouts on Youtube. Two videos twice a day = thirty minutes total. I do them when my son is napping or playing.
  • BeaUtiful_1413
    BeaUtiful_1413 Posts: 200 Member
    I've had 2 c-sections! My hospital after I got home they send me home with a book of excersises to help heal ones you are about a month in or when you start feeling better and not so sore I walked a lot in the mornings with my baby in the stroller or in the afternoon when it was warm out! That helped especially while breastfeeding! You can lose a lot of weight while breastfeeding! Walking, indoor exercises but all when your not sore anymore or you'll just make your insition irritated and hurt
  • Brandi1168
    Brandi1168 Posts: 105 Member
    My calorie goal is set at maintenance right now. I breastfeed, so setting my goal at maintenance and breastfeeding (uses around 400-600 calories) puts me close to a lb weight loss per week. I try to make healthy choices for my calories, but allow myself some not-so-healthy foods if they fit in my calories.

    I've been doing Turbo Jam videos for my workout recently because I already had the DVDs. I just bought Beginner Shred and plan to do that a couple times a week and a cardio workout a couple times a week, working out for a total of five days a week. I'll eventually move on to some more challenging workouts.

    You can add me if you like. :)
  • furmickc
    furmickc Posts: 43 Member
    I ran a half marathon 3 months after a c-section. Exercise. You will be fine. Just start slowly.
  • jaangstadt
    jaangstadt Posts: 1 Member
    I had a c section beginning of November. At my 6 week postpartum checkup the doctor said I can start lifting things under 30 lb at 6 weeks and ease into higher weights as I feel more comfortable. For cardio, I was told walking is the best post c-section and after your pain is minimal or gone you can't really walk too much. He said I could begin exercising at 8 weeks but take it slow and ease into harder workouts. So basically ease into it but unless there were complications with your recovery you will be fine!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I had a csection. You should be ready to begin at this point, just start slow. Start maybe begin by walking or lifting some dumb bells ? Then after your comfortable, find an activity that you enjoy and go for it ! ( strength training will help a lot !)
    For weight loss, all you need is a calorie deficit ( just eat less then you burn )
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I had a c section 2 years ago. Started working out 5 weeks after. You're fine to workout.
  • YeaYeaPueblo
    YeaYeaPueblo Posts: 68 Member
    I've had two cesarean sections. I started back up with hatha (gentle) yoga and spin cycling. Those are low impact ways to get your body moving again. Eventually I worked my way back up to running! Listen to your body and take it slow if you're especially nervous about working out. Don't want to psych yourself out of exercise.