Any crossfit lovers in here?



  • ThatFatAsianNerd
    ThatFatAsianNerd Posts: 1,415 Member
    edited December 2015
    crazyravr wrote: »
    I thought about it but all the cross gyms here are soooooooooooo expensive. I mean come on.... now I pay $20/m for my 24h gym. The cheapest crossfit gym I could find is $130/m it just doesnt make sense.

    All of these places are probably handing out free sessions right around this time. Plus I'm sure you'd be able to walk in to most places and I doubt they'd kick you out.
  • stuart959
    stuart959 Posts: 33 Member
    oliwia_00 wrote: »
    okay, but I've seen my body composition tests and I'm really happy with the changes. The percantage of fat is decreasing and of muscles is growing. Besides I can see the changes in my body, strength and health and I'm really really satisfied ;)

    Waaa Hooo! Congratulations on the amazing results that you're experiencing! As long as you are being healthy about it the technical details aren't mega important. I am excited for you!
  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    I've been doing CrossFit for a bit over 3 months. The owner if the gym I go to has been trying to get me to try it out for the past 2 years, but I had always told him I prefer my 5-6 day splits in the gym. I finally decided to give it a shot because I was getting bored doing the same old same old. I'll be honest, cost probably kept me away a bit. I really didn't want another gym/fitness expense. I'm kicking myself now. I LOVE it. In 3 months my conditioning is so far beyond what it was before. I'm just starting to really Push myself too. It's not that I wasn't pushing myself before. WODs were more often more painful than less, but my goal was to get better at them so I could do them faster or happy when I could get through one and look back and say, killed it. Now, after reading a few books on CrossFit (highly highly recommend Learning to Breathe Fire which I'm not yet done with) my take is differnt. I'm not trying to make each WOD as painful as possible - in a good way. I want to get through it (Rx or Rx+) but I want it to be as hard as possible now, to get the benefit of having pushed past 90-95% effort to the full 100%. I'm getting excited just typing a out it. Can't wait until tomorrow morning.

    Anyways, I CrossFit Mon-Fri at 6am normally. More often than not I also throw in a Saturday workout (they tend to be Partner WODs and are a blast). This past Saturday I took off because we killed Deadlifts the week before twice and needed a rest. Sunday there is no CrossFit, so there is no CrossFit on Sunday. It's my full rest day, unless I do some type of active rest (easy jogging, etc.).

    Anyone interested in being Friends, I love adding CrossFit friends, and generally all the ones I have share their WODs each day and results. It's fun to compare how much we were able to get through each day and how well we did.

    And I'm sorry, the reason CrossFitters love talking about CrossFit is because it's frickin awesome and unless you've done it (most haters have not) you just can't get it, you're on the outside. Oh, and I'll never go back to working out splits and separate body parts in a gym again. Not happening. I truly believe CrossFit = Fountain of Youth.
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    Crossfit is amazing! I can only do it 3 days a week because of schedules and I have to rake my kids with me so I go to a class with few people. I use to do 6 days a week before I had my second baby and loved it. And then I go to a regular gym on other days of the week. Anyway I freaking LOVE it. You will run into a billion haters...just be warned.
  • bileckic18
    bileckic18 Posts: 4 Member
    I love CROSSFIT and I'm a mom too :) Way to go!
  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member
    I've been doing it for over a year. There's still a lot I can't do, but every day doing crossfit is new and exciting for me. I love it!! And now I make the effort to go every other day because I need to leave time to recuperate, especially after a WOD with 100000 box jumps!
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    I wouldn't say I am a 'lover' of CF by any means (I've read the CFL1 training guide), but I've found a few of the WODs to be really useful/appropriate for conditioning work and which also has a great crossover to the sport I'm engaged in.
  • julielh72
    julielh72 Posts: 92 Member
    I started crossfit a couple of months ago and am loving it. Great community spirit, new friends and improving fitness level has got me hooked. My asthma has improved and my running endurance is getting better too.
  • Acidique
    Acidique Posts: 119 Member
    Also started Crossfit about 2 months ago.

    I had tried it before, at different gyms in town, and had horrible experiences. I was very much NOT into the culture. However; I recently heard of a new Crossfit gym in town, and they had a completely different approach to new members. I gave it a try and I am SO thankful I did. I love it. LOVE! I really, really wish it wasn't so expensive. I can only afford twice a week, but I would really like to go at least 3-4 times if I could. I just can't afford that level of membership at this point. Despite that, I have noticed a change in my body already. The community is great. So supportive and motivating! I feel like I am part of a team, and it doesn't matter that I can't do a real push-up by myself yet. They just want me to be successful in whatever my goals happen to be.