Going Gluten Free?



  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    I have been GF for almost 6 years now. It was not by choice, I was blood tested for Celiac after being in horrific GI pain for a couple weeks, and my Mom had it so it is likely I do. The doctor said that my blood results were off the chart enough to concede I am a Celiac without the biopsy because I actually teared up when he told me I would have to go back on gluten to get it! Even IF I am not a Celiac, it really doesn't matter with the awful reactions I have to it.

    Going GF has cured me of migraines completely (debilitating to the point I couldn't get out of bed to throw up), a recurrent facial rash that I had 3 different meds for, acne, persistent back, knee and hip pain, brain fog and vision changes (everything looked dim and dark), my immune system has improved immensely and I am not sick as much, I have no more heartburn or reflux, I have no more of the horrible GI pain (it felt like broken glass was going through there), and I only have IBS symptoms if I eat other things I know I shouldn't (like other grains and beans). I got all excited that Cheerios went GF, and got a box as they used to be a favorite! Well, I learned my lesson when I felt the inflammation start within minutes, and the GI stuff followed. I am not a person that can just substitute and move on, I have become sensitive to most grains and have to use them as a once in a while thing. I have issues off and on with dairy. I eliminate it for a time and then it's OK for a while.

    Every GF person is different in what they can handle or not, but I think at least once to do an elimination diet is enlightening. I did a few different ones and it has been different each time. I won't even test gluten as I know from the few times I have gotten small amounts that it remains an issue I need to steer clear of!
  • Robo_mooh
    Robo_mooh Posts: 44 Member
    I'm mostly GF, though eating gluten won't do me any harm. My BF has coeliacs and an intolerance to most grains (oats, corn, rice etc) so we live in a 100% grain free house! Not worth the risk with him getting ill - I do miss bread though!

    I live, breathe, and sleep potatoes!