Need To Loose around 80 pounds by august of 2016...PLEASE HELP!!!

I am enlisting in the US Navy but the job that I want requires that I be under 25 years old. I turn 25 in august. I really need help. I need to get down to roughly 189 by august of 2016. Does anyone have any advice?


  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    edited December 2015
    You might be able to squeeze in by that time. Put your stats in to MFP, and set your goal to two pounds a week. Buy a digital kitchen scale (~$10), weigh every solid food you eat, and measure all liquids. You don't need to restrict anything specific, just eat fewer calories. I would do cardio, and body strength training as well. Speak with your recruiter to find out specific exercises you'll need to be able to do.

    You'll need to be very accurate in your logging to achieve this within that time frame, but it's not impossible (just hard).
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    From today to August 1 is roughly 34 weeks. To lose 80 pounds by then, you'd have to average 2.3 pounds loss per week. At first you might be able to lose that, or even a bit more, but as you get smaller weight loss slows down. Also, weight loss is not linear, and weight fluctuations happen.

    I suggest setting your goals up in MFP to lose the 2 pounds per week and to focus on getting healthy. However, 80 pounds does sounds like an awful lot to lose in just 34 weeks.
  • ladyk321_
    ladyk321_ Posts: 1 Member
    One of the biggest things for me has been learning portion size on homemade foods. Thinking something is "probably" about a cup (or whatever) didn't work. Measure and/or weigh your foods. I personally weigh myself whenever like once a day or two days but I only log once a week. Do what works for you. Good luck!!! :D
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    navydrew91 wrote: »
    I am enlisting in the US Navy but the job that I want requires that I be under 25 years old. I turn 25 in august. I really need help. I need to get down to roughly 189 by august of 2016. Does anyone have any advice?

    All the above, also open your diary and log food etc on here and find some pals to support you. 30 minutes brisk walking every day will make a contribution but limiting your food intake initially to 1500 cals/day with 100-120 grams of protein per day to get you off to a start would make a bigger one. This is a high deficit but with your current reserves you have a lot of calories on tap.
  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    I'm in! I need the weight off to join the national Gaurd
  • navydrew91
    navydrew91 Posts: 6 Member
    I could also try and tape into the service as well. I've always been a big guy. If I can get down to 25% body fat, I may not need to loose that much.
  • navydrew91
    navydrew91 Posts: 6 Member
    I just used the US Army's body fat calculator and it says I'm at 35% body fat, I need 25% to go to meps.
  • pichu318
    pichu318 Posts: 172 Member
    If you want to help make yourself a plan then this might be useful tool. If you are looking to decrease your body fat you might like Body Building. It has a lot of really nice workouts and programs that will work you hard to tone your muscles! You might also like Fitstar. Fitstar gives you specific programs just for you. You might also like Eat This Much. That website can give you meal plans based on how many calories, grams of macros, and how much you want to pay in food per day.

    I hope at least one of these tools helps you :)
  • marieirigoyen3
    marieirigoyen3 Posts: 11 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    From today to August 1 is roughly 34 weeks. To lose 80 pounds by then, you'd have to average 2.3 pounds loss per week. At first you might be able to lose that, or even a bit more, but as you get smaller weight loss slows down. Also, weight loss is not linear, and weight fluctuations happen.

    I suggest setting your goals up in MFP to lose the 2 pounds per week and to focus on getting healthy. However, 80 pounds does sounds like an awful lot to lose in just 34 weeks.

    What is mfp
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    edited December 2015
    Meet with a recruiter also. There are options and you can get in with exceptions if you have a skill that is needed. You will go on a restricted diet from the start but you're in.
  • pichu318
    pichu318 Posts: 172 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    From today to August 1 is roughly 34 weeks. To lose 80 pounds by then, you'd have to average 2.3 pounds loss per week. At first you might be able to lose that, or even a bit more, but as you get smaller weight loss slows down. Also, weight loss is not linear, and weight fluctuations happen.

    I suggest setting your goals up in MFP to lose the 2 pounds per week and to focus on getting healthy. However, 80 pounds does sounds like an awful lot to lose in just 34 weeks.

    What is mfp

    MFP is My Fitness Pal
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    In addition to what has been recommended, start doing lots of pushups, situps, and running. It will aid on the weight loss and prepare you for boot camp at the same time.

    Good luck soldier... :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Rather than pinning all your hopes on one specific job, you might look for a couple of alternatives to, ones that aren't dependent on your age and/or rapid weight loss.
  • navydrew91
    navydrew91 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm trying to get in to be a Nuke. I've got the asvab scores to do it. Just got to drop the weight.
  • SLE0803
    SLE0803 Posts: 145 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good luck in your endeavors. I'm sure you'll do great. Follow mfp and you'll lose the weight.

    (Rhyming mostly unintentional... Lol)