I need Support

My Name is Nikki, I am 27 years old and have 4 children, my oldest being 8 and my youngest is 3. I am way over weight and need to lose a lot. I have a heart condition, a rare one that has nothing to do with my weight but losing the weight and being more active can build my heart stronger. I also have high Cholesterol with wicked high Triglycerides. You don't have to have medical knowledge to be my support, I just don't know how far I can go without a good support system. I'm on the road to a heart attack and it scares me to think I would leave my children behind. I'm the only factor in their lives that is keeping them together.

So! Here I am. My goal is to have fun while losing a total of 80+ pounds. That sounds scary. Lol


  • ShashayLee
    ShashayLee Posts: 178 Member
    hi Nikki, welcome to MFP. You have some challenging health issues & it's is good to lose the wieght. 80 pounds does sound scary at first but break it down into 10 pound stages, reward yourself after being successful at each mini goal. a new workout outfit, a movie you wanted.
    Also make small changes food wise. making a huge change right away is challenging. This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. The most important thing i have learned this time around is to love myself no matter what & forgive myself if i go off track
  • NM1785
    NM1785 Posts: 7 Member
    I love ShashayLee's advice! Please feel free to friend me, ladies. I have similar story and goals as both of you and would love positive advice and support! I just started on MFP but did WW 3 years ago.
  • kinnu254
    kinnu254 Posts: 2 Member
    hi friends... i m new to this site and i so badly need to get rid of extra kilos. like all ofu r saying..i was a yoga freak... i drank lots of water,,..did loads of asanas ...walked and played and got into an adorable shape...and then i got into this job now i am in...sedentary and loads of tensions...thats it at the end of the day i come..eat everything i lay hands on to get rid of the whole day frustration... sleep late ...wake up late....no breakfast....now my body sucks with bulging flab.. its so irritating... pls keep me motivated...i just started the journey